Cam in Materia
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Even the one who totally murdered his alt? "Thanks."


" you want to talk about that? I haven't thought of anything useful to say."


"I don't know that there is anything useful to say, it's just - weird -"


"It is weird. I half-expect when we tell Fëanáro he'll pipe up that Cam needs a therapist."


Snort. "I think he's a lot better now that Loki fixed it, he would've been a wreck before that - and is just being - really conservative about treading on other people's feelings about it in a way that involves performing discomfort and then making himself scarce? Not that it's not real just that he could put it away and he's not. Loki's sort of doing all his boundary-setting for him because he'd consider it inappropriate to do it himself."


"It's very good he has her."


"Yeah. They're cute."


"They are! And Iobel and Mitros, differently - I think Fëanáro totally just failed to process that one - and I bet Kib and his husband and Gem and her wife are adorable too."


"And Golden's married too, Elspeth's hers. Although apparently I don't get to meet her husband by default because he's weirded out by alts of his wife who look like her but aren't. The boy ones have met him."


"Illusion spell? Suppose it's not as if it's urgent.


Elspeth's adorable."


"Loki was the one who caused him to discover this and would probably have thought of it, so I guess it didn't work very well? And yeah, I'm not surprised Iobel wants one."


Hugs. "I had a lot I was meaning to get done today, catch you later?"


Hug! "Sure! Thanks for suggesting the mana thing to the Valar."


"They asked how they could apologize to you. Giving you more powerful magic seemed the only thing appropriate, considering."




"Take care, Bella."


"Will do."


And the next day he talks at length with the Materian Finweans, and they are persuaded and worries assuaged and want to send someone ahead to scout and plan for a larger-scale set of departures, and that is how Ferardrin is walking around the city asking questions when T'Mir arrives with Maedhros from Vanda Nossëo.


"Welcome t-" T'Mir begins to say to Maedhros, but then she notices Ferardrin, "oh, hello, I didn't realize you were here already. Welcome to you too."


"Thank you! We're, um, just looking around - we can evacuate you the whole kingdom pretty neatly if we're satisfied it's safe - sorry to interrupt something -"


"It's all right," she assures him. "Maedhros, unless I'm much mistaken this is Prince Ferardrin of Nolordel in Materia; Ferardrin, Prince Maedhros of the Elentári Noldor now on Vanda Nossëo."


"The cousin we didn't have. A pleasure."


"Well, one of said cousins, you missed out on all seven of us. I was your favorite, though. We're offering what insight we can on how to do this 'galactic consortium' business while most profitably leveraging all the cool magic systems that have been found so far. You're welcome to sit in, there are probably useful wizardry interactions. T'Mir, is there somewhere we should go..."


"There's a meeting room near my office which will fit us all comfortably."


And galactic consortium talk. "We have a large population of flat Elves and have thus specialized in selling the galaxy things our magic can make - have a set of invisible goggles that give you Elven vision, you already hopefully have an eidetic memory necklace, we've also got one for working memory, we made artifact versions of Loki's accelerated-perception song but they're not yet in general production, here's the whole research-development-mass-manufacture pipeline for a dozen different products, here's everything we can do listed by sale price in the galaxy over time required to produce it. We haven't yet saturated our market but it's quite plausible money's higher leverage in your dimension than in Edda, since we've had a decade to work, so we're happy to switch over to selling here as soon as you have the same commercial channels. Commercial channels: here's how we did it -"

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