Cam in Materia
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"Hi! Nice to meet you too, I'm Boots and this is Rúmil. I hear you can speed up the acquisition of Loki's spells."


"Yep! Not down to nothing, I have to go slow enough for you to process it, but by a lot. You'll want necklaces to use them for anything though."


"We were going to go get those! Do we need to do that first?"


"Not necessarily, they work retroactively, but I can go grab you some. Two?"


"Four. We left our Fëanáro in Hex and there is another new Bell holding down the fort at home in Warp. We'll want you to come back with us if this is an okay time, to reasonableize my Valar and convince them not to let Melkor out, which my set haven't done yet."


"Oh wow. Okay, yeah, four necklaces and I'll grab an Allspeak wand and bring that too for you and then I'll go talk to your Valar." She pops away and back and is holding necklaces, and offers one to each.


"Thank you. These are Fëanáro's invention?"


"Yeah, he came up with them so Loki would be able to remember things she'd read about Edda-tech-level science and engineering so they could build a nuke. That doesn't work, by the way."


"We are going to try Melkor never being released in the first place as a containment strategy."


"Hopefully that will work better! I have never tried to convince any Valar of anything in particular before, mostly just explaining incarnates in general, but they will probably believe me that it would go badly if they tried releasing him."


"And that they horrifically wronged Bella."


"I don't have the story there."


He tells it. Very angrily.


"I'll make sure to cover that."




"So how does this spell thing work?"


"Loki's? You memorize a set of two hundred nine atomic concepts and then the spells are millions of those long and you have to have them all just right. You won't be as good at using the illusions as she is because the spells won't inherently make sense to you but all the others pretty much do one thing apiece so they're not as hard. Even with me doing it it's like an hour for the whole set at human safe speed, so it's probably most efficient if I send to all four of you at once."


"Okay, we can go see if Epic can be peeled away from Fannar's idiolect research."


"Can you hop us to Hex?"


"Sure." Hop hop. "Did you know that if we ever figure out enough about how alts work to pull it off Iobel and Mitros want a one of me?"




"It's very flattering." Into the palace they go. Smol Elves might notice someone thinking loudly.


Smol Elves are thinking about idiolects, actually.


That's okay too, they can find him the long way. "Hi!"


"Hi. Are you okay?"

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