Cam in Materia
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And while Fëanáro is looking at a graph of idiolects and their level of agglutination rather than actively peppering his alt with questions - If he doesn't want to interrupt this to continue on our tour is it okay if we leave him here while we go on, and pick him up on the way home?


Yes, by all means!


"Fëanáro? We're gonna go to Space. You wanna stay here till we get Elspeth and head home, or come along?"


He looks horribly torn. "...both?"


"You can visit Space another time, you can also come back here another time..."


"...I guess I'll visit Space later."


"Okay. We'll be back in a few hours, probably." Squeeze. "Have fun."


"I will!"


"Iobel, can you drop us off in Space?"


"Sure." Pop.


Space! It's like a science fantasy set decorator got an unlimited budget and let their dreams go wild, and also had seen Quendi architecture. It's glittery and steel and glass and stunning. 



"Yeah I would've exploded."


"I am glad you did not explode. Uh - did Iobel tell you where we're supposed to go in this world? This is Cam's, right, he's not going to be around..."


"Yeah, there's none of me here but she would've put us near the Space Noldor. ...There are three of the Space Maitimos around. I guess I could just pick one and say hi. It's surprisingly natural to identify minds by template."


"Three of them, huh? That works. Island and Mitros were both charming. Not very like Fëanáro at all, but..."


"Yeah. Or like Nerdanel for that matter." She picks the nearest Space Maitimo. Hello, is this a good time?


Hi! Welcome to Ambaróna, means Sunrise, where are you guys?


Picture! Iobel dropped us off. We don't have urgent business, we're just looking around the multiverse.


Good for you, everyone ought to get offplanet more and we were planning to send a few teams over to your world anyway, compare tech - Warp's the closest in tech level to Space that we've found so far - and you can summon someone while you're here, though we suspect it doesn't work for Elves and don't know if it'll work for Boots but probably only would if she got into trouble here or in Revelation -


And a minute later someone steps out of the door of a nearby building. 


"Hi!" Wave. "Summoning someone while we're here sounds like a good idea. This is Rúmil, have you got one, I heard there were somewhat different sets of people here?"


"Hi! I do know you, though you stayed in Valinor and, um, therefore died in Valinor and I do not know what you're up to these days. We've got slightly different sets of people mostly because we have a lot more people - about twenty times the population - and in the generation born after 1400 or so there's only limited matches with people from flat Ardas. How alternate universe versions of people work in the first place remains a complete mystery. Come inside, let me grab you something to drink."


"Thanks." Oh boy her alt kind of murdered Rúmil's alt that's awkward as heck. Follow follow.


And delicious non-alcoholic (he has ever met a Bell) drinks and the standard intro to Ambaróna and Endorë on a nifty, responsive, 3-D projector on the coffee table between them. 


Gosh, what a lovely introduction!


"So that's the standard welcome talk, I haven't had the chance to whip something up specifically for other people trying to run a high-tech mixed-species planet but like I said we'll send you some of our teams - might just dupe them, it sounds like Warp's got more than enough to keep them occupied - hmmmmm..."

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