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Theo and Sadde in Spira
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"Fiends just attack any people they see; they resent us for being alive."


"New types haven't happened in living memory, and one-offs are very very rare. And anyway when you kill a fiend it stays gone, even if it's just a one-off."


"Does Sin drop spheres, too? – I'm not really clear how you'd know that the not-one-offs stay dead and don't just reappear elsewhere, like Sin presumably does? People don't, like, watch the area it dies in or something— or do they and it does reappear in the exact same place?"


"In thousands of years no one-offs have ever been observed to disappear—"


"Sin. Is. Not. A fiend."


"What is it, then, do you want to volunteer information on what it actually is?"


"If i tell you," he says, "you will abandon your quest to destroy it. You must see with your own eyes and then make your choice."


"Well that's more information than we've gotten since you showed up!"


Tidus: looks uncomfortable.


"– There's information that you think if we know we wouldn't want to kill Sin, but you personally want us to kill it, and you expect if we see it first hand we might want to kill it?"




"I'm not sure why I'd feel differently on actually seeing it, so long as I got the right information? But I'm not the summoner anyway."


"And I think this is chocobo turd, like come on Auron you were around me when I was a kid what do you expect this information to do?"


"I recall a hyperactive, very impulsive and reckless child, and have not seen enough to conclude that has changed."


"And presumably you don't know enough about me to judge?"


"You'll tell him."


"It's not guaranteed? If I think he honestly would stop and I honestly think he shouldn't then I might not, but I expect that if I think he shouldn't then either I can convince him because I'm right or I'm wrong and he should know so we can discuss it and work out a good solution anyway?"


"You have more confidence in yourself than I do."


"Uh. If you say so?"


Saying things isn't his forté.


Apparently not. "Okay, so, not a fiend, does that mean anything else in practice or is it just 'is a magical monster, attacks people and creates ruins, seems to hate technology, reappears after a while on death and has a religion around it because Yevon'?"


"Well if it's not that then how come the Final Summoning works, huh?"


"… You realize I don't even know what happens in the final summoning except 'death', yeah? I have no idea why it's different from regular summonings nor why it's necessary to kill Sin, and I have no idea what you mean 'if it's not that'?"


"I am not sure which part of this you do not understand."


"I'm not sure what you mean? I was trying to work out what was bad about my model of it, like, why saying 'it's sort of like a fiend' would be wrong, and Wakka then went on to say 'if it's not that' and I don't know what he was talking about?"

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