Demon Edie and Demon Cam in Milliways
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He turns back around, lets the door close - "you have the means to end the war?"


"Not. As such. But we have all the time in the world and ten of your genius uncle whirring away together upstairs."


"He's alive? Ten of him are alive?" It's astonishing the place is still standing but if Fëanáro's the formal authority here he had better not say that. "Can you prove the time-pausing effect -"


"Uh, you could open your door and throw something and close it and wait and open it and watch it land, but you probably don't wanna do that, any time with your door open is extraneous time for your Melkor - it is one of those, right? - to torture people in..."



"Okay. I suppose if time's not paused people will come looking for me. And yes, it's one of those - there are others?"


"Yours'd be third. The other two are different in various respects though, yours may be yet a third kind of thing. I expected you to have one because there's more of you too, although none in here."


That's good. Maitimo if he found himself in a time-stopping interdimensional bar would certainly have him fetched at once, so if there are none of him there are probably none of Maitimo. "Different in which respects?"


"One of them is the same kind of thing I am. The other is a magic god kind of deal."


"The same kind of thing you are? You look like a Maia who sometimes has to pretend to be a human and is on the slower end with the shapeshifting..."


"I am a demon who if I had to pretend to be a human would have to actually cut off the extra bits," Cam says. "Demons can make arbitrary matter and we're indestructible."


"There's a Melkor who can make arbitrary matter? Ours - can't do that, we'd have lost - how is that even a fight, does it work very slowly..."


"Oh, he's probably trying not to escalate too much so the Valar will back off. So please don't run back into your world with the first promising explosive, okay, you pretty much have to one-shot him or you just ramp up the entire concept of 'does this look like a fair fight to the Valar'."



"That's very worrying. I will wait until there's something everyone relevant is confident can do it. The Valar are staying out of it so long as they think it looks like a fair fight?"


"That's what was going on with mine."


"I am frustrated but not surprised. Okay. Our Melkor is a... magic god thing, I suppose."


"...I'm gonna start naming worlds or this will get confusing. Uh, let's say my war took place in Singularity for morbid reasons. The one where the Melkor is a demon can be Abaddon. Your world's name pending. So Singularity is a world of magic god Valar and smaller magic god Maiar, and Abaddon has daeva - that's demons and two other kinds of thing with other powers - Valar, and hive-intelligence Maiar. Abaddon's war is ongoing in the sense that if anybody from there opens their door, bad things happen and they're not gonna do it till they're ready to go on the neutralizing Melkor thing. Singularity is post-war. I was summoned to Singularity as a freak accident, but in Abaddon summoning daeva to make trades with us is pretty commonplace. One of those found this place and so did I and now a bunch of people from both worlds are here working on the problem."


"Your war's over? How did you pull it off?"


"I hate telling that story how about literally anyone else tells you that story later instead."






"Sorry. I should, like, write a flyer to distribute or something if this is gonna keep coming up... anyway. Daeva are like really indestructible so we're not expecting to be able to kill Demon Melkor but getting him boxed up somewhere he can't do any damage is likelier. Magic god things are in principle killable but we need an actually good way to do that."


"If you have ten Fëanáros I doubt I'll think of anything they haven't. Who else is here, what else is there to work on -"


"Me and a bunch of people from Singularity - you want names?"


"...the worlds have all the same people? Yes, I suppose so -"


"Not all but there's overlap especially in the Elves..." He pulls up a list of who's been resurrected from Singularity Valinor into Milliways and stuck around, reads it off.


He doesn't recognize most of them, but the ones he does recognize are Vanyarin or Telerin, mostly not Noldor, which would explain it. And he mostly only takes special note of names for Maitimo anyway.

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