Demon Edie and Demon Cam in Milliways
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Gosh, this is very gratifying enthusiasm here.


Well, in addition to this being Cam who was really complicated to get into bed it has also been a really long time. He will be very enthusiastic.


And eventually Cam is curious to see where besides the scalp he should be investigating Elf properties or, more specifically, Maitimo properties.


Oooh! Is this an investigation that would be aided by less clothes because they can do that. (Kisses.)


"Didn't actually bother looking at a human anatomy textbook to check we're the same thing, guess I should have..."


They can do that! Cam habitually does not wear shirts but he can get even less dressed than that. "No major discrepancies at least with the other version of Elves." He knows this mostly from performing medical experiments on basement dwellers but no need to mention that.


Well he'll be curious and vaguely jealous but at least he can very swiftly be distracted from this.


Cam can be really distracting when he sets his mind to it.

The only major anatomical discrepancies here are the wings and tail.


He has already expressed his enthusiasm for those but he can express more enthusiasm. And more neck-kissing. And holding Cam delightedly and making pleased noises and missing osanwë, so convenient for speaking while kissing...


Cam might not be coherent enough to produce words even over hypothetical osanwë while being neck-kissed.


Well, osanwë's also great for conveying incoherent happy noises! Too bad the current asking price is 'become copiable by all demons everywhere'. Cam'd said earlier he hadn't had any romantic relationships to draw inferences from, he'd also said they were the same as the other kind of Elves, he doesn't really know what to - 

"- do you know what you like? -"


"Most of the standard range, not picky..."


"I'm feeling kind of picky. I spent a while - imagining you - if I hadn't inconveniently been trying not to fall in love I'd have asked you to bed a lot sooner-"


"Do tell."


So he does. And demonstrates. 


This is delightful.


Killing time seems likely to suddenly get much easier. Afterwards they can wing-snuggle, and talk, and fall asleep which neither of them do very often.


Dozy wingy snuggles are nice.


Cam is nice! Having a time-stopped bar in which to plan at length to stop the Enemy, instead of jumping hopelessly off into space, is nice! Tails are nice! Getting a couple centuries to invent technology no one's yet dreamed of is nice! Kisses are nice! He's feeling much less irritated at the unknown door-manipulators these days.



Killing time gets easier.

Cam does not spend all his time wrapped around a soft-haired incipient multiversal emperor, though. For example, right now he is talking to Bar about how she can tell what people will like to eat; her recommendations are so consistently great.


And someone else opens the door.


He realizes immediately that he's not allowed to be here; the oath was to remain in Maitimo's rooms, and to return to Maitimo if taken outside them, and this is definitely outside them, he knows them rather intimately. The door swings shut. He is for a second too confused to realize that maybe he shouldn't have let it do that.


"Whoa! Hey! Where'd you come from?"


"The palace," he says, "I should still be there - where is this, how did you get here -"


"This is a time-pausing interdimensional bar, so you're going to have to be more specific than 'the palace'. I walked in the magical cannibalistic door same as you."



"What? - the palace is in Himring, the capital city of the empire, and the empire is in Beleriand, which is a continent on Arda. We're at war. This is a time-pausing interdimensional bar with a magic cannibalistic -" He turns around and opens the door; it opens back on Maitimo's rooms. He should go back -


"Yeah it does not make sense at all but you should really stay here with the door closed until you can walk out with war-ending swag -"

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