Demon Edie and Demon Cam in Milliways
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"And less likely to oblige the Security guy to come arrest us for indecorous behavior." One wing unwraps, the other stays draped as Cam heads for the stairs.


"Can they make an arrest if there's no one else around to complain - maybe that's a way to prod the door-controller into producing more people from other worlds -" 


"I think Bar counts as someone to complain."


"Foiled again. What implausibly large number that seems to just taunt us with the emptiness of this bar are we going to?"


"I'm in 303. The numbering of the rooms is weird and spatially fucked up!"


"My room is not consistently across from or next to the same other rooms, but it's always three flights of stairs up, left, a ways in, to the right."


"Have you not noticed this effect with your room? Do you even have a room, you must sleep sometimes..."


"Outside, it's prettier. Bought a hammock off Bar."


"That's adorable."


"Did I mention that I was actually born before the invention of electricity? We had a summer palace up in the mountains, Tirion got too warm..."


"By how much exactly are you cradle-robbing, here, I'm not even two hundred yet."


"What's the Earth-to-Valian years ratio, someone must have figured it out by now..."




"I'm two hundred sixty seven but that's our years. And doesn't count Milliways at all."


"Well, that's not so bad if you happen to assign mystical equivalence to all revolutions around suns instead of doing something silly like counting chronological time." Third floor. Room 303 is currently between Rooms 301 and 305 and across from 304.


He glares at the room signs in the hopes they'll look abashed for playing ridiculous stunts like this. "Couple thousand, then. Elves invent slower than humans or I'd have been born before the invention of indoor plumbing, as I understand Earth history."


"And that would have been terrible." Cam keys open 303.

It's cozy. The chipreader machine is discreetly curtained off in a corner and the rest of it is pleasingly furnished and he has a lovely view of the yard and there's a bed with enough room for him to spread his wings out if he wants, or do other things.


It's very cozy. He returns to kissing Cam. "Two hundred's past the age of maturity for your species, right?"


"I was an adult when I was like eighteen."


"Sounds nice, except for the mortality, which is mediated by the daevahood."


"It is." Kissing. Wingwrapping. Tailwrapping. This is a very wrapped up Elf.


It is a good thing he has lots of attentional capacity so he can appreciate all of this.


The tail does not get less cute with exposure. Such a cute tail.



Oh look it's the back of Cam's neck does it look nibbleable?

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