Demon Edie and Demon Cam in Milliways
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"Unless the user interface is 'place body part here for sample extraction', there is probably an intervening step where a demonic imported sample can be inserted."


"Yeah...I guess most daeva aren't ex-summoners who might care that the DNA going into the machine was meaningfully theirs."


"And anybody who does just places a special order with whoever's exporting. So. Gotta be fairly comprehensive to make sure this doesn't get out of control."


"We need to set something up to make sure everywhere in our empire's experiencing time at the same rate anyway, but once we've got that in place someone can just conjure up all the non-daeva people and fetuses in each realm, go say hello if someone hasn't got a permit."






"I should've predicted you two's solution to this would be 'rule Hell'."


"Cam's solution," he says happily. And kisses Cam.


"I mean, I don't see any better solutions at hand."


"It's not a bad idea, probably better than trying to find some kind of magic that'd make Hells safe. It's just very much the solution of first resort for my brother soon-to-be-emperor-of-the-multiverse."


Not that soon, he interjects without being distracted.


"I'd rather have to answer to your brother than most governments of my acquaintance."


"I'm really glad. Since, you know, it's that or grab a dimensional transit thingy and run far away, and I would miss them all. A lot. Plus who would feed them?"


"Okay, who would remind them that Elves need to eat regularly and drag them outside to occasionally do so while not staring at a computer screen."


She kisses him.


Kissing Edie is less fun in front of his brother, even if his brother's distracted - actually, especially if his brother's distracted, it's more fun if his brother's undistracted and vaguely annoyed with him - and Maitimo and Cam have shown a stubborn disinclination to get a room, so he and Edie will have to set a good example.


Maybe it will work! Maitimo does have evidence that Edie knows what she's doing relationship-wise, after all.


And if it doesn't work, well, then, they'll just have to keep trying, won't they. 


Oh, if they're leaving Cam doesn't have to stop kissing Maitimo after some decorous number of seconds have gone by, does he.


That was a decorous number of seconds! And here they are, not stopping. 


And in case it was not clear that Cam is not done his wings can go around Maitimo to emphasize that.


The wings are so lovely he really wishes Elves could have them. Though two sets of wings seems like it'd only complicate a wings-hug, all things considered. 

He makes a delighted sound. This is very cozy.


Awww what a nice sound.

"I have a room," Cam murmurs.


"...that sounds maybe fairer to Bar," he murmurs, very carefully, because Cam said he wanted time, and not to play games with him, and he has been erring very far on the side of caution on those things -

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