Demon Edie and Demon Cam in Milliways
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He swore that he did not have the same problematic inclinations as yours--rape straight-up doesn't appeal to him--and that he's pretending to condone yours's actions in the hopes of using rapport to maneuver him into letting you go.


He swore to mine that he liked him and wanted him to stay in power and was helping him as far as he could given your societal taboo in slavery.




It is possible he was using temporary mind-altering oaths to be able to do that or in some other way that is less damning than it sounds but I shall have some very pointed questions to ask him when he wakes up.


It is also possible he had used temporary mind-altering oaths to swear he found this kind of arrangement unappealing.


Yes, that did occur to me.


I do think even if he would naively be on yours's side he values a continued good relationship with at least his brother more than he values yours keeping you against your will and understands that he cannot have both of those things. Tyelcormo is strongly in favor of killing yours if that's what it takes.


That will not help at all. I will have a civil war on my hands.


Yes, and that's why he's still alive. My point there was to illustrate 'Tyelcormo will not stand for this shit,' not 'we are currently in danger of this specific thing happening right now.'


I am less worried about how he conducts his personal life and more worried about how he'd run the empire he plans to acquire.


He does have us looking over his shoulders kind of a lot on that too but honestly I don't think I have much to say about that without waking him up and asking him, which even if you wanted to wouldn't be possible for several hours.


Okay. Are there other people I should be talking to - is there anyone here who isn't a Feanorian or dating one...


Well, I could finally open the door long enough to fetch my twin sister, but I'm not sure that nets you much objectivity compared to talking to me...I could fork the fork of me who isn't dating Tyelcormo...


I'll let you know if that seems like it would help. Sigh. Thanks.


I'm sorry I can't do more.


...We were considering forking our Findekano to consult on your situation; the situation never quite seemed to justify doing it without asking him first...


That would be really useful. There's no way to ask him?


He's on a different ship and we're mid-leap.


I don't think I have the context to evaluate that but okay. I really do appreciate your help.


Your situation is so far beyond not okay I really can't describe its level of messed-up without using profanity.


He's got some issues. Please don't worry about me, I'm doing fine.




Right. Anyway. So regardless of whether or not I should, I can't fork your alt until I'm out of this cell.


When will that be?


Not sure. Lemme ask.


"Hey, how long am I in here for?"


"Eight hours per victim followed by a stern talking-to and if you don't seem contrite enough while sternly talked to there's some extra."




She relays this to Findekano.


I apologize for getting you in trouble.


Well worth it.

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