Demon Edie and Demon Cam in Milliways
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"Yeah, fine. Up me and my unconscious boyfriend go. Please do not leave Midnight alone in here, he might wake up and go for the door and complicate the situation yet further."

Cam makes a float-chair and hauls his Maitimo into it and nudges it stairsward and brings him to his room.


"I won't."

Findekano, do the terms of your oath allow me to physically carry you anywhere.


Can't move under my own volition, can't ask you to take me somewhere, but nothing will happen to me from the oath if you decided to do that.


Okay. Does it give you leeway to tell people I'm not kidnapping you and your Maitimo if Security wants to know?


Yep. Though you are kidnapping Maitimo, aren't you?


I mean, I really don't think his location is likely to be comparatively significant in terms of things done to him nonconsensually; I'm not planning to imprison him past when he wakes up and I wasn't even particularly planning to take him somewhere I'd have more of an advantage than normal or anything.


I have no objections. He'll be fine. We can maybe experiment with painkillers to see whether when he retaliates for it I can be satisfactory without actually being in pain.


Will that get you imprisoned again?


Consensual experiments are not going to get me imprisoned. I am disgusted by your Maitimo's projected behavior.

Permalink were you assuming he'd get information, such that you didn't want to share it with me-


I was assuming, like, horribly coercive use of oaths, not physical violence. Not that horribly coercive oaths aren't worse than violence but I already knew about the oaths.


I'm currently under very light oaths. He would have to coerce me into new ones somehow.


Oh. Well. I don't know what oaths you're under.


Loosely, if he dies self-destruct; if he is held prisoner or incapacitated or similar don't move; come when asked and don't venture outside osanwë range or otherwise endeavor to be unreachable and don't harm either myself or him. 


Huh. Okay. So in a hypothetical situation completely divorced from this actual one where you can't actively consent to being dragged places, how do you feel about float-chairs? She bounces him the idea.


What a clever idea.


Awesome. Float chairs for conscious Findekano and unconscious Maitimo.


And they go upstairs. And he sends messages to the Singularity research teams, carefully, because he's not sure there's anything it's useful to ask them, and he watches a few movies, and sings a little more, and - Cam'll be upset if you drug his again, yes?


If it's important to you I think he won't object to drugging happening but might want to do it himself.






I want more time, and am going to ask Edie to dose this one again - want to experiment with painkillers, want to get an answer from the research teams, want to make up my mind about whether to ask Edie for my Singularity alternate and do that if I decide to. I am guessing you'd prefer we leave yours alone. Is there a way to make sure he's not coaching and/or corresponding with everyone else, beyond keeping him asleep -


Bar knows pharmacology, she can probably tell you whatever you want to know about painkillers.

There are substances that block chip osanwë, if you'll take my word for it that I've got my room lined with 'em I can do that.


I would otherwise have to take your word for it that he was still sleeping, so that's fine. ...will you have to distract him into staying in the room -

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