Demon Edie and Demon Cam in Milliways
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"...Yes? I mean, you're going to have to push your alt's float chair or have me do it, he can't move, but I'm not keeping you prisoner or anything."


"Wait, what?"


"I am not allowed to move while Maitimo's incapacitated."


"What the fuck."


"To deter people from trying things."


"Great. Okay. I will float you downstairs. Can you explain - a lot more things - while I do that -"


He has explained a lot more things by the time they are at the Security office.


"Oh, hey, more duplicate people."


"Hi. I am not under any oaths, but apparently if I were you could remove them, and asking you to remove them is more straightforward than verifying there aren't any?"


"You people have some seriously convoluted shit going on, don't you. Yeah, I can de-oaths you if you want."


"Thank you."


Pause. "There you go."


"Appreciate your time." He pushes the float chair out. "Do you want me to drop you off back at Edie's -"

"Can't answer that."

"Okay, then I'm going to do that because of the weird time effect thing, and then I will go ask for all of the information you haven't been told, and then I will get you my best guess about what to do from here, and then I'm going to assign you an escort because as I understand it you have to go where he asks, and can't hurt him, but don't have to go alone - does summoning work in Milliways, we can get you a bodyguard -"

"Summoning doesn't work, Midnight and I tried it. Not sure you should get me a bodyguard; if the best thing to do is to be amenable to being won back, then I should probably not work around the oaths to make him angry..."

"I mean, extant situation is that you're his shield. I feel like getting him to release you is going to be mostly about making him believe he won't be killed as soon as he does, not - personal concerns -"

"He won't be killed, everyone here is your Maitimos' and your Maitimo likes him."

"Yeah, I'm gonna go talk with him about that." And back at Edie's. "Hey, he's going to park in here while I try to figure out what he hasn't been told and why. Have you re-dosed the Maitimo more than once, it isn't safe to do that too many times..."


"I re-dosed him once. How many times is it safe to do?"


"Two's fine. Three should be okay but let's err on the side of caution given what happens if he dies. Findekáno, can you ask Cam and Maitimo how I can most conveniently communicate with them -"






I asked for a copy of my Abaddon alternate. We went to Security and got him cleared of oaths, of which there weren't any anyways, and he would like to talk to you and his Maitimo about everything I can't be told, and would like to know how he can most conveniently get in touch with you.


If you need absolutely continuous osanwë blockage on my Maitimo, options are 'through you' and 'through Edie and conjuration' and 'maybe Nechar could set something magic up if asked nicely' - computer messages won't go through the osanwë blocking stuff. If you don't need that he can come here.


I'll tell him to find you. What's the room?




And a minute later there is a knock on the door. 


Cam answers it.


"Hi. Nice to meet you, I take it I should come in so Maitimo can't spend very long talking to people?"


"I think that's the idea, yes. Hi."

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