Demon Edie and Demon Cam in Milliways
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"Works for me."


"You have to train it to respond to you, after that it's very easy to use -" He installs a chip, hands Findekáno a computer with the tutorial up.


"Thanks. I think my alt's going to be okay with Maitimos walking around in a day or so of his time, hopefully that's not too much longer for you - maybe still don't go near him, Maitimo -"


"Wasn't planning on it. Cam's fine?"


"I rather expect they'll upset each other equally. Cam doesn't need to make a point of avoiding him."




"Nice meeting you. Good luck with everything. I will probably send you a lot of questions on the engineering project selection, Maitimo -"


"I will probably appreciate the distraction."


"Take care." And he turns to go.


"...what's going to actually happen over the day-or-so?"


"I will probably verify again that I am not under any forms of mind-control, I will reassure him that the multiverse is going to be run well and he doesn't need to try to figure out how to get enough leverage to stop you, I will discuss alternatives to him-being-in-this-mess, I wanted to get him a daeva bodyguard but apparently summoning doesn't work here, and then he'll figure out who it's strategic for him to be and how to nudge himself into that before the Maitimos wake up and are bound to notice him doing it."


"Okay. If a part-time bodyguard would do the trick Edie's been meaning to bring her angel sister in through the door anyway but she probably won't want to follow him around constantly and may not be sufficiently divorced from the situation being the twin of the girlfriend of a Tyelcormo."


"When we talked about it he trusted Edie fine, and mostly trusted you. I think once he has some time to orient himself in it's just going to be Maitimos."




"...something wrong?"


"I'm finding it hard to keep up with his attitude toward me as it wobbles around."


"He was under a lot of mindcontrolling oaths, those make attitudes wobbly. Once I turned out not to be under any myself he concluded that most likely you were fine, except could I contextualize the Valinor thing better - which I can, I don't think uploads are a concept he can process."


"Your Singularity alt doesn't like me much either as far as I know."


"I don't think I have enough context to comment, there. I wouldn't have done it. I would probably have tried to stop you. But you did it and it worked and I am glad and if that's really it, no loopholes for him to squeeze through, then obviously it was the lesser of two tragedies, and even if I thought it wasn't there is certainly no point in disliking you for it - hating you enough won't stop it from happening again, won't bring anyone back -"




"May we have better choices, from here forward."


"Hear, hear."


And he turns and leaves.


Hug. Sigh.

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