Demon Edie and Demon Cam in Milliways
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Tyelcormo would unless I am badly mistaken be happy to help me test a thing about the interaction between my powers and osanwe. I can knock both of them out, that's fine.


To Tyelcormo: Hey, do you know if you can make something somewhere you don't know where it is if someone whose eyes you're borrowing can see it?


Yeah, that works.


Tyelcormo says that works. Is it important to you that both Maitimos be rendered unconscious simultaneously, because that'll be trickier to pull off.


No - I don't even think it'll be a surprise, honestly- I just need space to think and conversations they're not listening to -


Okay. Tell me when, or just continually send me your visual channel and I'll do it when you next see him or something.


I'm outside. By the lake. I can see them both from here - 

And he sends that -


Oh well if he can see both Maitimos this'll be easy.

They both fall over unconscious.


"- Maitimo?" Cam fails entirely to catch him, stumbles, at least manages to get a pillow under him before he hits the floor.

(And Nechar frowns and now Edie is in a cell and cannot make any things that are not in it with her.)


And he's stuck to the spot, but that's okay. Thank you, he says to Edie.


You're welcome.

Security cell, huh. Well, that was predictable. Oh well.

She conjures a note with the appropriate heading for Cam to get it and, Sorry, Findekano needed both of them unconscious in order to get his brain in order or something, I used a temporary sedative, he'll be fine.


And he can see Cam panicking so he says that was me, he'll be fine.


What did you do?


I asked Edie if she could knock them out without hurting them, she said yes, I asked her to. The rule is I can't move if mine is incapacitated, but I don't need to move, just to have conversations that can't be being managed in real time by one of them...





And Cam sits on the floor by his Maitimo, wings mantled over his shoulders.


And he sits down and looks at the sky and works his way through the last few weeks with the benefit of a brain not sworn not to think about betraying his King. And says to Edie after a while have people decided what to tell me off what they're worried he'll learn, or has it been vaguely random, do you know...


I don't think anyone's told you anything it would be really bad for him to find out.


Are there things like that, how sure are you that yours hasn't told him, how likely am I to run across them if aggressively poking around...


...I don't know how likely you are to find them but I am confident ours hasn't told yours anything he would then have tried to hide from us.


Why are you sure of that?





I don't know that we want yours to know the answer to that question but if you tell me to answer it anyway I will.


I don't know if that's a reasonable risk to take. The person without the information is not the one who should be making those calls but I don't yet know enough to just trust you - to care about what I care about or to be equipped to handle this sort of situation. 


If your Maitimo found out it might make us less effective at helping you in the future; if you found out it might make you more effective at helping yourself in the present.


I don't really expect you to be able to help me at all, except by stopping the Enemy.


We're more optimistic than you on that front but prioritizing our helping you over you helping you would be--patronizing. At best.


I would like to know why you think you can trust yours, because the stakes there are much higher than anything else.

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