...to depend on others
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"...yeah. Do you want to talk to—no she's from the Guild." Does he know... anyone... outside the Guild...? Not really. "Uh, maybe I could get someone to rec someone else who's not in the Guild to help?"


Giggle-hiccup. Yeah. Yeah, she knows how it feels to suddenly realize all of your friends are in your workplace, though she'd glad his realization is less, uh. The way hers was.

"I'd appreciate that. Maybe not today, though, I mostly just want to destroy all dungeons who dare oppose us and then turn my stupid brain off for a while doing... something. Sudoku, maybe."


He nods. "...I think I want to ask HQ to start sending us on real missions." The practice has been good but he's been getting antsy with these dungeons that don't even have names.


Nod! "Sounds good. Um. I feel we've had enough practice together."


"It's only been a week, I guess, but. ...um." How does he put this. "I don't think we're gonna get much practice working together out of dungeons either of us could've easily cleared alone."


"No, I agree we're now past that. Honestly there's probably an argument to be made about splitting up for the easy dungeons, cover more ground? I mean my main concern there is your backlash and both of us recovering quickly from it, but, uh. ... We can absolutely both solo dungeons."






"Usually when there are bigger dungeons, with. More people. I tend to cover... parts of it. On my own. Already. So it's not unusual." Pause. "We could just solo the dungeons we have scheduled for today at the same time and meet up for guiding afterwards." Wait, shit, no, that's a terrible idea?????




"... Yeah, okay. Uh - you are looking better on the backlash front, but send me a message if it gets too bad and you want to meet back up again? But. .... we can totally knock out our day's dungeons in like, two hours and get ultimate bragging rights." She sounds like she would find that great fun, actually.


Well if she's going to smile like that he can't very well back down, can he.

—that's the backlash talking. Review, correcting for it... yeah no it's fine, it'll actually be overall less total time spent in a room with just her and no one to stop him were he to—never mind.

He summons his commscreen and—uh, he wanted to walk over to her but that's three separate times in thirty seconds that he's had thoughts related to wanting to get closer to her so he should Definitely Not—shares the list of dungeons they have for today with her then suggests a split between them based on what to him seems to best fit their specialties (not that it matters much when they're such small fry). What does she think?


Yeah, that works for her! Nicely divided up to give her the 'blast it with so much fire' stuff and him the 'precision targeting' stuff.


Pretty much!

"...I'll let HQ know. They might need to scramble a bit to have personnel on site but..." They don't need personnel. It's really just a formality, and they're in the business of clearing dungeons, not formalities. "They can figure it out by the time we're done with our first dungeons."


Lee Tae-gun has been having a lot of trouble recently predicting what's going to come out of his mouth but he's not sure there's anything in the world that could have prepared him for the words, "Wanna race me?"


Terrible, terrible idea.

Terrible idea.

"I'll comm you when we're by the door of our first dungeons, first to clear all three wins, including downtime."


"Deal!" She's grinning, and brings up her commscreen to get to teleporting to her first dungeon.


Ahhhh stop smiling.


He takes a little bit longer than she does to get there because her first dungeon was meant to be their first dungeon while his first was meant to be their third, so HQ does have opinions about that, but their opinions boil down to "Oh shit, um, sure?? Uhhh we'll figure it out do you need anything right now—no—okay godspeed." so it's not that much longer.

I'll sync a countdown between our comms, we both start fifty meters away from the portal and go on zero.


She believes in fairness, so she follows the listed rules and is fifty meters away from the portal before she replies:


The countdown starts on her screen.






She could theoretically blast herself into the dungeon's portal with appropriate leverage of fire, but she's up against her own backlash as much as the clock. Doing that would be spending down valuable power. Besides, running builds body heat, and it's best for her to have as much of that as possible. So: she will be running. While grinning. Are the watching onlookers very confused? Absolutely. Does she care? Absolutely not.

In she goes. She's careful to be indiscriminate and sloppy with her fire with this first dungeon, so that after the core's destroyed, there are plenty of still-hot rocks she can pry from their surroundings. Those get shoved down her clothes to keep her warm. It won't stave off her backlash forever, this is a temporary hack, but it's better than not doing it. Then she can incinerate the last of everything threatening to crawl out of the dungeon, and step outside by herself.

There's a crowd with cameras when she exits the dungeon. As she puts in the request for teleportation to her next destination, someone asks something about if she and Tae-gun are no longer working together, which briefly distracts her from her typing.

"What? No, we're still partners. We're having a race."

And then the request goes through and she disappears.


Another reason this was a good idea: oh right if he doesn't have her around his power levels also change. On the bright side that's just the same as the moment-to-moment adjustments he's already been having to do with her around, just in the opposite direction, and he has years of practice with not having a partner, so it's just a tiny hiccup at the start.

Tae-gun is careful and doesn't go all-out like Hye-jin does, but unlike his usual M.O. of cleaning the dungeon completely he makes a beeline to where the sensors suspect the core monster would be. He also leaves ice spikes near the entrance to slow down any monsters that might decide to come out and summons two ice swords to go melee on anything he can do that with. 

He wouldn't do this for the kinds of dungeons he tends to tackle, but he can afford to be sloppier for ones like this. He'll clear it fast enough, probably.


There's a message waiting for him when he's finished his second (of three) dungeon.

2/3 done. Let me know if you need me to come in to help with yours! ;)

That makes him stumble and stay outside dungeon two longer than he'd meant to.


Which allows someone from the media to shout out to him, "Lee Tae-gun-nim! A moment, please! Is it true that you and Kim Hye-jin-nim have separated?"


"...what? No, we're racing. Ah, excuse me."


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