Nine in Beacon Hills
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"You're welcome to my aid, of course. That's what druids are for. What are goddesses for?" 


"A variety of things. I am for the acquisition of knowledge. I have a neighbor who does preservation, and know of another slightly farther away who does healing. Gods are just as varied, I know of one for freedom, one for hunting, one for decay."


"Decay sounds unpleasant. I suppose the focus is in the clearing away of unnecessary matter?" 


"I have not closely tracked in what sense he appeals to his followers. That is a potential explanation, but not all gods are pleasant. Fear may serve us as well as love, though that has been out of style these past several centuries."


"I see. You use love, then?" 


"Where possible. The other is... distasteful."


"I have to admit, it's been a while since I've entertained divinity, and I might be forgetting my manners. Is there anything you need?"


"I simply stopped by to introduce myself. As well as to pick up any tips for spotting this Darach."


"The Darach will be using a great deal of magic continuously. Illusions, shapeshifting, protection from the elements or poison. If you have some way to sense that, it could work."


"I do not think that I do, at least outside of my domain. Are there characteristic mundane oddities associated with these?"


"Illusions leave evidence of themselves. Some animals can detect them." 


"I shall see what I can see, then." The pigeon cocks its head to the side. "Is there anything I can do for you before I go?"


"No, I think that should be it. Have a good day." 


"You as well."

Off goes the pigeon, to make an aerial survey of the town and surrounding environs.


The town seems fairly mundane. 

Nothing jumps out to her eyes, not from the air. 


What's the school her acolyte will be undercover at look like from up close?


It looks like a school.

Students walk through the halls, and they sit in classrooms, and the birds in this tree seem to be chirping a bit too much.


The tree, hmm? The pigeon sets down in it to investigate.


Nothing particularly interesting in the tree, or in the classroom next to it.

Just education.


Birds are not generally so interested in education, in Ellayania's experience. Possibly a sign of druidic magic. She takes note of everyone in the classroom, to pass on to Pascale.


The birds especially don't like some students. 


Ah, that is one of the werewolf boys, yes? Not entirely surprising.

Any other disturbed wildlife on the premises?


Mostly just the birds. The squirrels don't seem to be very disturbed at all, and there's little other wildlife to be had.


Then the pigeon will go back to Pascale to report on her findings, and after that, take up an aerial patrol of the town.


Pascale stays at the McCalls' house, catching up on her reading and waiting for Melissa to come home.

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