The city-ship of Atlantis is two days into its return journey to Pegasus Galaxy, flying through hyperspace at full power, when something anomalous starts to happen.
Sheppard (and the rest of his team) hear it in their earpiece.
Whatever they have darknening the room from outside probably also jammed their beacon? Sheppard doesn't raise it right now, things seem to be going well.
"It would protect you. The Worldwound treaty is one of the few things we can trust Cheliax on." She pronounces the word like she's trying to spit it out.
Uh, something happened. They all subtly reacted, acting mildly distracted at the same time.
Do they look worried? Did their attitude shift?
Neither, apparently, and Keyron thinks he should be able to tell from Ronon or Rodney, but they seem unworried by whatever happened.
He sends through the Telepathic Bond :worry-not*. Veena, did you notice any magic a moment ago?:
* do not show an outward reaction, I expect the following to not be something that needs worrying about
"Can you tell us about other sources of trouble we should be aware of? The people of this planet continue to surprise us, and I fear that we are missing quite a lot of important information, here."
"The main one I'm thinking about is Cheliax. It's a country south of here and while - fortunately for us - they are part of the Worldwound defense, they are in fact Lawful Evil and wholly aligned with the Lord of Hell. I doubt Geb is going to bother with interfering, he hasn't been active in a while."