Atlantis crashlands on Golarion
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"Here we are."


"What does it look like from here?"


"It looks like... a city? But it's all made of metal, like a giant construct... Must have costed a pretty penny!"


"They've stopped. Look human... On translucent horses. Walking on water. At 18 kilometers an hour. And they're looking at us. With naked eyes."


"Drop the cloak, it's clearly not working, Teyla, Ronan, let's go meet them."


A group of four people emerges from one of the towers on the pier closest to the visitors, and heads towards them.


Oh, good, humans! She can do her job properly then, and not just be a human-shaped pair of boots of Teleport.

"Let's walk up to them. Leisurely."

They approach nonthreateningly, and if the people from the city (?) don't seem nervous they will get in speaking range.

"Good evening. Do you require assistance?"

That's such a weird language. Her Voice never fails to give her the correct words to communicate, but this language is completely different from anything she's ever heard.


"Nice to meet you. We seem to be a bit lost, actually. Can you tell us where we are?"


"This gorgeous lake is Lake Encarthan, the continent is Avistan, and the planet Golarion. Can we get on the... floor you're currently on? The steeds still have an hour or so in them, but it would be dreadful to be engrossed in conversation and end up drenched as a result."


He nods, and waits for them to climb up.

"Thank you. I'm Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard, this is -" he gestures at his companions "Rodney, Teyla and Ronon."


"A pleasure to meet you, Colonel. I'm Sana Chartes, but feel free to just call me Sana. These are Sir Muris, Select Clepati, and Captain Gauntwood."

"Is your... city(?) damaged? The whole continent saw it falling down in a storm of fiery fire. We were sent here by the country of Lastwall to check what the cause is, and possibly establish first contact in case sapients were involved."


"We've had a bit of an accident, you could say. We're fine, and would welcome establishing contact, though we would like to know more about this planet before commiting to anything."


"What would you like to know specifically? Golarion is vast, every continent and every country within has its own culture. There really isn't much unifying us, beside the general prevalence of humans above other species in most cities. Oh, and the universe-killing god imprisoned inside the planet I guess."


"A universe-destroying god, huh. We should probably actually move to a proper room, if we're going to have extended talks."

He motions them to follow, leading them into the city, and up some stairs.

Also, he pressess a finger to his ear and says "Woolsey, we're going to conference room on west pier, floor 3, the locals sent a welcoming party soon as they saw us landing, come join us."


They follow, Sana leading the way.

"Yes. To be clear, it's actually a very serious problem. Its name is Rovagug and it's been imprisoned inside the planet since time immemorial. It's a very powerful god, so us mortals can't  do anything about it. It cannot act directly from Its prison, but It is known to influence people, sometimes entire cities. On the other hand, you're very unlikely to have issues stemming directly from Its actions."

"What spell did you use to communicate with your colleague? I did not recognize it."


"Spell? It’s city comms, radio, there's a field version too."

Some doors throughout the city open automatically as Sheppard approaches them, other require him to wave a hand at a thing near then, lights come on as if anticipating them, and eventually they arrive at a room with a large table, and Sheppard motions everyone to sit. 


And yet none of this reads as magic! Fascinating.

'Radio'. She thinks about the word, trying to mentally form sentences in the language they're speaking.  'Radiate', 'radio waves', 'radio antenna', 'antenna', 'electricity'. What does lightning of all things have to do with communication? 'Circuit', 'network', a net? Roads?  'Weather reports', 'radio communication', where are these people from? What kind of alchemy or clockwork powers the lights?

"I'm not familiar with the concept of radio, the only lightning we have here are thunderstorms and the occasional wizard spell."


"Well —"


Glance at Rodney. Unspoken "Langara".

"We can explain it, maybe trade you the tech, but we'd want to understand how it would impact things around here, before doing so."


"Rodney, was it? After your wise Colonel has deemed it safe, you should have Select Clepati introduce you to his cousins. You'd have a blast."

"But of course, it would be foolish to trust the first people you meet with the power to harness lightning! This whole city is a continuous source of fascination, even your doors are animated without magic."

"Before we go into impacts and politics, I'd love to know more about you. Where do you come from? What brought you here?"

"Actually, before you reply, let me update my colleagues." Uh, the language doesn't have a word for 'party member'.

She tell them that they look friendly enough, but that they want to understand more about the situation before sharing knowledge they have.


"We're from a galaxy far, far —"


Fine, fine. 

"As you probably figured out, we're from a different planet, we've had an accident and so aren't sure where we are in relation to it now."

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