Atlantis crashlands on Golarion
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"On our planet, as you grow more powerful as a warrior or mage, it gets easier to throw off the effect of most of these spells. I would be able to throw off a Suggestion about half the time, and reliably more than that if I expect it as a possibility, by using protection spells."


"Well, that was disturbing. We appreciate the warning."


"What would you require as assurances before starting to disseminate your knowledge?"


"We would want to be reasonably certain that our actions won't have destabilizing effect on your planet, or cause some catastrophic event. We've had... certain experiences that make us reservant of taking action too quickly."


"That seems sensible, wizards and catastrophic events go together like Peanut Butter and Jelly."

'Jelly', 'Jam', 'Marmelade'. With peanuts? These people are weird.


"In your assessment, if we mostly stay within our city, and maybe trade for food, how long we would be able to stay out of trouble? Because the impression I get is that our arrival may be an event out of itself."


"Yeah, it was incredibly visible. I think you'll have all sorts of people coming to investigate. I don't think you'll be able to stay out of trouble for long, honestly. Being in the middle of a lake helps somewhat, but only on the short term. The invisibility you had up earlier also helps if it's not too expensive. We were able to bypass it because we already knew where you were and Marcitor can cast See Invisibility. Which actually makes me wonder. Could you move your city? That would help with avoiding people."


"We can abuse some of anti-ice systems to drag us around the lake, but not much more. Stardrive barely survived the landing."


"If the cloak is helpful, we should probably keep it up for now."

Tap on the ear - "Hey, Chuck, can you turn the city cloak back on?"


There's nothing noticable from the inside, but Atlantis once again disappears from view.


"If our arrival alone was sufficent to attract attention, we cannot allow ourselves to wait. This isn't a contat through the gate, mister Woolsy, we are in the middle of events, and should act accordingly."


"Should we just go and beat up Evil people? People admitting they are evil sounds like a good beating-up target to me."

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