Atlantis crashlands on Golarion
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"I gather it's not one of the eleven around our sun then. You look remarkably... human, for coming from a different planet."


"Humans are surprisingly common, though I'm not sure the standard explanation applies to this planet."


Another man walks into the room. 

"Hello, I'm Richard Woolsey, leader of Atlantis Expedition. What did I miss?"


"We were mostly getting to know each other."

"I'm Sana Chartes and my role is to establish first contact on behalf of Lastwall, a Lawful Good country. Pleased to meet you."


"Well, that was certainly quick. Pleased to meet you too. Is it that common to need to make first contact on this planet?"


"Not really, no. It's the first time it came up in my lifetime, but it is common to have to deal with unexpected events, and my team is specialized in dealing with the weird ones."

"I expect most polities that are not directly allied with us will send their envoys soon, but we pride ourselves in being efficient and effective at what we do. And we believe it is to your advantage to get someone Lawful Good in your corner."

'Corner', 'Ring', 'Boxing', 'Fight', 'Sport'. Why is fighting a sport and why does being in the corner mean that you are friendly?


"What does 'Lawful Good' mean, actually?"


"They are the fundamental ethical and moral categories. On the one axis you have Good and Evil. Good is helping others, working together, caring, Evil is selfishness, cruelty, slavery. On the other axis you have Law and Chaos. Law is order, obeying laws, keeping your oaths, being trustworthy, Chaos is following your hearth, not allowing the rules to prevent you from doing what's right, and being more flexible in how you achieve your goals."

"Lastwall is a Lawful Good country, but the people in it can and will have different alignment. Our leaders are almost all Lawful Good, but - as an example - I am Chaotic Good. As the saying goes, Lawful means you can have allies, Good means you can have friends, Lawful Good means you can have both. I am not a good example of Lawful, but being Good means that they trust me to do the right thing and on average be happy with the results. Select Clepati is Lawful Good, so if you have questions about Law I can ask him for his opinion."

"We have magic to allow you to speak our language, or us to speak yours, but they mostly have limited duration, which is why I am the one speaking with you. I have quirk that allows me to just be understood when speaking to anyone that has a language."


"And… there’s countries that are Evil, and agree that they're Evil?"


"Yes. I... was born in one. Cheliax is a country ruled by the forces of Hell. Well, not directly, but Abby - Abrogail Thrune II - has made a direct compact with Asmodeus" uh, they have a word for it, 'Asmodeus', 'King of Demons' what, no, he's not a demon lord??? - file for later "They have a complex system of education and culture that makes sure they can make as many people Evil as possible. They still mostly fail, there is Goodness in everyone."

"I expect them to be the next ones to shop up and... do you have magic or technology to protect your mind? You may need it against them."


"Is Hell... what it sounds like?"


'Hell', 'Fire', 'Torture', 'Eternal', 'Evil', 'Punishment'.


"Hell" delenda est "is the afterlife where Lawful Evil people go to. It is the domain of Asmodeus and his Archdevils. People get tortured until what's left of them is a devil, a creature of evil without free will, a pure instrument of tyranny and pride. If they're lucky. If they're not they're used as paving stones, suffering eternally in fire and while people step on them."

"Lastwall is Lawful Good, and was founded by Iomedae -  back when she was still mortal. Iomedae is the goddess of defeating Evil, of triage, of justice. I am working for Lastwall because even though I am Chaotic, I want to see Hell destroyed, Asmodeus defeated, everyone there recovered. Cheliax, my home, free from the grips of the Trice Damned Thrunes."



He's going to process all of that later, and is the first to recover ability to speak via switching topics  


"You said something about protecting our mind, what did you mean?"


"We have several spells that influence people, or read their minds. I can demonstrate some if you want."


"How expansive is influence? Are there ways to tell someone is compromised?"

He mentally switches into "everyone can be a Goa'uld" mode, and though he has significantly less experience with this than Earth teams have, he has read enough reports. 


"It depends on the method used. On the lower end of the spectrum, a Charm Person will make someone seem like an ally even when they're not, and lasts approximately 2 hours per caster circle. A Suggestion will force someone do to something not obviously harmful and lasts about as much as Charm. On the upper end of the spectrum you have - at 2 days per caster circle - Dominate Person, which will allow you to outright control another person with a telepathic link and Geas, which is similar to Suggestion but basically impossible to resist and very hard to break."

"There is a spell to detect enchantment, called Enchantment Sight. Methods to break the influence also depend on the original's spell power, ranging from a simple Dispel to a limited wish requiring a powerful caster and a diamond about this big."

"If you would like to experience how it feels I can demonstrate an harmless command on you or one of your subordinates."


"There won't be lasting effects? Teyla?"


"No lasting effects, no, a Suggestion ends when the action is complete."

"Miss Teyla, your feet must hurt from all the walking we did, I Suggest (DC 22) you take your shoes off to let them rest."


1d20 + 3 (Wisdom) + 2 (Wraithkin) = 20


She reaches under the table, to take off her shoes, then looks slighly surprised when she's done.

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