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When is he anticipated to have a minute to chat?


She doesn't visit too often, he can definitely hand those off to whoever he's training to run them regularly.




"Hey," he says, and if he looks faintly disappointed it's very faintly.


"Hi." They're letting him wear the Silmaril now. This is an improvement from his perspective but does interfere with his freedom of movement.


You realize, with the Oath, they can make anything at all a condition of getting the Silmaril and he doesn't have much choice?


I know. He's doing a very impressive job of turning this into a tool, but yes. I did not feel obliged to kidnap him at this time.


I just wanted to make sure you realized that if it were bad enough you would have to kidnap him, he wouldn't ask. And I'm glad to hear that. He is good at this sort of thing, he might be fine.


He's very, very good at it, she agrees.


It would have taken him probably a month or two to get Olwë to share the swanships with us.

Anyway, thank you for the update.


When all this is over, if my mother means to leave me in my interesting position to end the war with the frost giants, I am planning to offer your fiancé a job.


Wrangling things on the frost giant planet?


Yep. I know fuckall about them and am not best skilled to learn and deploy the information. He did not think you would like to go to a frost planet and I said you could be in a nice warm spaceship in orbit.


He wants to teleport by then, doesn't he? He can just bounce over to wherever we're managing the integration of Arda with the rest of the galaxy.


Don't have an ETA on something to give him an inextricable eidetic memory, but I suppose for the practical purpose of being able to teleport the extricable version would do.


I am willing to chase a Feanorian in the sense of pacing my life the way they like it. I am not inclined to be kept for him.


Ambassadorial work is sometimes done in couples.


Is the entire planet frozen over?


I think so. You could be warm, there's ways, but you would in fact wind up looking at ice a lot. I apologize on behalf of my species.


It's my cousin who owes me that apology. Is the frost giant planet one where ambassadorial work is done in couples? Can they not tell genders apart on warm-blooded things?


I know fuckall about frost giants besides that they are giants and do frost and sometimes get into fights with Asgardians - this being why I am looking to spread the problem around - and do not know if they would care what genders you were if they could tell. This is speculative as all get out.


Count me potentially intrigued, at least. Depending how much work the integration of those peoples of Arda who don't immediately follow my uncle off to galactic notoriety is going to be.


Some, but 'a new planet appears on the map and has its own unique challenges' is not a new situation to my galaxy.

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