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Ah, so you mean do I want to eavesdrop. Sure, why not.

Invisibility. Pop.
She walks in a few minutes later. Looks around.


He sends the words to Loki, too, because why not.

Hello. I'd like to give you some more compelling and exciting ammunition. You must have realized by now that the Noldor are currently in a succession dispute only as a matter of courtesy; my father's sworn not to hurt anyone but I haven't, and with the weapons at our disposal at this point no one need actually die anyway, if I decided I wanted them alive. Which I might decide, and if I did we could put the whole city to sleep and wake up your family in Himring's basement. I'm doing it this way because it's more fun, and if you make this way stop being fun, I don't think you win. So what are you playing at?
Permalink Silmarils put people to sleep too? What?

Galadriel doesn't share her answer with a listener, because she doesn't know there is one.

I want you to keep your accusations against me to the following: I am an unrepentant mass murderer. Thingol should be frightened of me. I am scary and probably plotting something. Those ones are useful, and you're welcome to keep them up. You're also welcome to tell people I'm fucking my cousin, if you tell them which one; I'd be delighted if you'd stop implying I'm flirting with Lúthien, because that suggests an insultingly stupid view of my goals here. You like these people. I'm currently planning to leave them alive. It really seems like we should be on better terms.

They stare at each other. After a minute she turns and leaves.


Is there some way unbeknownst to me you could put the city to sleep?


No, of course not. We share all our capabilities research with you.


But it's credible to her.


And won't be credible to the people who I don't want to hear certain other things from her.


Did she say anything interesting?


I think she's sincerely trying to do right by her chosen people here, and just very bad at it.


Your guess would be better than mine, I suppose.

Anyway, at a guess there'll be no more anything and if there is something it'll contain enough obvious nonsense that I think I'm safe enough.

Your books include enough about biological weapons that we probably could figure out how to put cities to sleep if we pleased.

Seems unlikely you could get Melian that way.


Oh, I wouldn't go after Doriath; Galadriel's brothers are in New Mithrim. And I also don't start conflicts unless the Enemy is quite literally Moringotho, but she doesn't believe that so there's no point in pleading it.


I'm also not sure bioweapons would work normally on Quendi, but it's less of a long shot.


If there weren't so many more pressing problems a way to nonlethally disable large populations would be worth looking into. As it stands it'd be a pointlessly provocative avenue of research when there are so many that have more applications against the Enemy.


I promise you I'd never start a fight, even a definitely nonlethal one, unless there existed no other way to achieve my goals and the goals themselves were 'end an evil god' scale. It is useful to have a reputation for being slightly easier than that to provoke.


Yeah, I get that.


I also do occasionally enjoy asking 'would Findekáno forgive me if' and 'I carried out two simultaneous coups to end up in charge of the united Noldor' is one fun such scenario.


...would he, do you suppose?


If both were bloodless and I could satisfy him that I could really have been sufficiently sure in advance that they would be, accounting for how infrequently plans go that cleanly. Otherwise he wouldn't, and wouldn't pretend to, but he'd stay with me anyway to protect his people. That would be such a horrifying outcome it more than cancels any occasional temptation to try.


Oh dear.

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