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Shall I float the idea to him, then?


Yes, please. I think he still hasn't gotten used to the idea I am going to marry him.


Funnily enough, there are probably places where no one would bat an eye about your being both men but where you'd run into an incest law. I think most locales will tolerate a half-first-cousin though.


There aren't enough Eldar for marriages to work if you don't allow second cousins and equivalent degrees of separation.


And I am sure that on some planets you could make that argument and have it go through, and meanwhile somebody somewhere is hysterical that a pair of fourth cousins twice removed are considering holding hands. Big galaxy.


We could also just not mention it. What are they going to do, come here and ask to meet our grandparents?


No, it'd probably just come up on some sort of paperwork and you'd have to lie. Marriages in societies without soul grafts involve paperwork.


He laughs. Silently, because of the sound baffle. What an adorable way to do it. You don't have to fill it out while getting married, I assume?


Before or after the party and definitely not simultaneous with the consummation.


There's often a party to accompany a marriage, here, but the marriage happens in private.


This'll vary by locality but paperwork indicates legal marriage, party indicates social marriage, and you try to have them around the same time.


You'd be the only guest. Tyelcormo, maybe.


So a very small party. Sigyn might want to come if you'd have him, after I've told him this whole stupidly long story.


I'd be delighted. He shakes his head.


You'd like him. He's very weird, but you can find reasons to hypothetically like almost anybody so I think you'd be able to actually like him.


I actually expect to hit it off very well with friends of yours. I was just being gloomy about my anticipated wedding party.


Well, if they come around later you can have a five hundredth anniversary vow renewal or something like that.


I told Findekáno I don't think my father will disown me, and I don't.


But you're not going to invite him to the party.


I'll invite them all. They won't come. They'll tell me they love me whatever I get up to in the same tone they'd use if I announced I was going to wipe out a sentient species and replace them with fingerpuppets.


I could tell them I have a clever plan and their attendance is necessary, but that wouldn't be true.


Well. Maybe in five hundred years.


I hear the usual way to bring one's parents around on a marriage they don't like is to produce some grandchildren. Regrettably that's both unappealing and impossible.

I'm not going to argue with you on the appeal but unless Quendi biology spits in the face of science it's not impossible, and that's if you don't want to adopt.

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