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Wait, really? And I currently believe that bringing people into the world is a terrible wrong, but I suppose I might not feel that way in five hundred years.


Quendi biology might well spit in the face of science, you have all kinds of weird soul crap going on, but yes, really, it would just require very clinical and unromantic fiddling.


And, what, a egg for the baby?


...there's probably somebody who does eggs somewhere, big galaxy, but more likely a technological contrivance or, you know, a woman who was not going to be genetically related to her passenger.


All these things to keep in mind. He sits down, scoots back against his wall. Please do ask Findekáno about post-war ambitions.


Should I ask him if he wants to have clinically arranged babies in five hundred years?


Not without me there, I like looking at his face. You should have seen the one he gave me when I explained we were going to get married after the war.


You know, most people do that in the form of a question.


So I've been told. It's not as if I'm going to - um. Make him fill out the paperwork. Galactic marriages really are different.


I'm probably overgeneralizing on the paperwork. It is a very big galaxy.


I'm not going to make Findekáno marry me in either the local sense or the Asgardian one or any other. I am going to tell him that that's what we're doing, and watch him sputter at me.


I bet it was cute.


He was angry at me for - well, you saw what I said to Galadriel, my fallback is 'yes, I do what I want with him' - and suddenly he wasn't angry at all, just looking terribly lost. I wanted to hug him but I knew he'd turn into someone else in my arms so I just stood there watching.


He won't, but I won't expect the reassurance to mean much.

I think no matter how many years it's been and how much evidence I have, the first time I'll expect it, and on our wedding night I'll expect it. I suppose he'll have to decide if he's all right with that.


- you could tell him you expected it when we blew up Angband, maybe it'll seem like a compliment.


I should tell him that. Did you ever tell him I hugged you? Did he make a face at you?


Hasn't come up yet. I got suddenly busier right around then.


I recall. Well, when you let him know that I won't be visiting again for a few years until I've won over Thingol, and ask about a warm spaceship, you can mention it.


Will do.


Thanks for stopping by.

You're welcome. See you in a few more weeks.

To Nolofinwëans. Not directly into Fingon's room.

Nolofinweans are glad to see her, have some messages, how is she.


She's pretty good. She takes the messages. Where's Fingon?


Running various flavors of catastrophe drills in the south quarter.

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