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...Loki blinks at him but doesn't ask.

Thank you, he says to her after a minute.

Are you going to end it now?

This continues not to be a hallucination.
He hugs her. He does not do it like a madman who hates being touched, whatever is going on internally. He pulls her close and rests his head on hers and squeezes as gently as if she were an Elf.

I don't believe you. But thank you. Thank you.

She is too surprised to hug back for a moment, but then she does. You're welcome.


They have an audience. "Awww," someone says, "now kiss." And Maitimo carefully disentangles himself, though he's still looking at her, and then turns his attention to his father who is the only person in the room paying them no mind at all.


Loki is unimpressed with the person who suggested they kiss.


My fault, he says, a little while later, when everyone's attention is better. I apologize if I startled you.


You are not typically huggy. I had no objection, just wasn't expecting it.


That is a fair characterization, he says. I have not touched another person in ten years, since my family arrived in Himring.


Fingon's probably going to make a face at me if he hears about it. I don't know what kind of face, mind you, but some kind of face.

I didn't refuse him last time he was here, he refused me. Also now you have passenger teleportation so if he is jealous he can come and visit me.


I will convey the invitation. What's the line on what the boom was?


What we were expecting. Your books were apparently very accurate. It is a safe bet all orcs are dead, however you're inclined to feel about that.


I am inclined to be glad they aren't in zombifying condition. There were the ones settling farther south, though. And I assume you weren't counting the adoptees or the converted.


Our orcs are alive and well and experienced no changes in condition. I expect the same for the ones at the isle - it's too bad none of them are still sworn to the old Melkor, we could get some evidence about whether he's dead from how they reacted to orders...


I could go to one of those settlements, assuming they haven't all been wiped out by nearby Elves. Or she could just ask Tyr.


Seems like valuable information. Come right back. In case he's alive and retaliates and we need to leave immediately.


Will do. What do I ask exactly?


When something you've sworn to stops having a valid referent, you - feel it. Like a string being cut loose that you hadn't noticed in the first place. That's how I am confident the Silmarils survived the blast, if they'd ceased to exist we'd know it.

Maybe wait a while before trying to dig them up.

She pops down to the converted orc colony. Hi everybody how're you doing hi there Tyr can we chat?

He blanches. "Yes.'


Over here out of earshot - "Just one question. Can you tell me if Morgoth's still alive?"


"...yes. Did you think he wasn't-?"


"Fuck," says Loki, "thank you," and she pops back and says he's still kicking.

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