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I will see how many people I can cram into a city. Anything else I should know?


It is actually usually better to ask permission than forgiveness; sometimes others will foresee flaws in your plans.


My plan is to develop interdimensional teleportation, attempt to secure the cooperation of a sapient magical artifact possessed by my family which has been poetically described as 'to its holder, all questions of "where" are answered effortlessly with "why, wherever you should like"', and then smear Morgoth over a few million parsecs.


That will work.


Good. If I can't look after a continent's worth of people while I work on that how much of a disaster would it be if I appeared in Valinor, I've heard mixed reviews.


Impatient people usually find the time-dilation on Valinor to be extremely frustrating.


A frustrating delay in which I don't die is preferable to a breakneck pace during which I do. Other than that part?


If you abide by our laws we will shelter you; you have done no wrong.


Any laws I'm likely not to get along with if my priority is sitting around doing spell development?


No murder, no threats of it, no transporting other people out of Valinor.




May Eru's hand guide you.




The pressure in the air fades. She can hear things other than the crashing of the waves. She is kneeling in the water; she didn't kneel.


...rude. She teleports up to her feet. "That was interesting," she says to Turgon.


"Ulmo aids us as much as is in his power."


"Yeah, could've gone worse." She shakes her head and puts them back at Lake Not Mithrim. "Ulmo says he can hide one city with agriculture not extending more than ten square miles. How many people could cram into that?"


"A hundred thousand, maybe. At least all the families with young children."


Ugh. Not enough. "I need to be rocketing towards a developed spell as soon as possible, and Ulmo advises that plans in general work better when Fëanorians aren't operating them, can I turn over the entire problem of arranging for a city to exist and be populated to that capacity to you guys? I can come by once a day to deliver messages, move things, etcetera, deploy me how you like as long as it doesn't take too long, but my time is ever more of the essence."


"We can have that city built. We shouldn't even need you once a day."


"However often. Here's a map." She hands out a few maps of the south continent. "You are here. Ulmo says it's not as uninhabited as it looks, be advised." Sigh.


"Thanks." They pull over the maps and start talking.


And she pops back to New Himring and relays the situation.


"Bet Ulmo's definition of civilians includes none of us," Maedhros says. "Which is fine, we can hold out here once we have a Silmaril and I think they're a matter of days away from a radiation suit."


"Will the suit do heat too? And, yes, probably not you but at least some of the Men."

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