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Disturbing. C'mon nomads be findable.


They have gone to ground. Understandably, probably.


Well is it findable ground?


Not with her eyesight.


Ugh. Pop back down. Any Elves want to bop around with her looking for nomads?


Yes, certainly.


Great. She brings them up.


Tyelcormo finds three tribes with an hour of searching, can convince them to be relocated, can't convince them to share the location of anyone else.

Well, she relocates these three.

And then she distributes elfbirds all over the south continent to put a sort of map together in case anybody wishes to be re-relocated somewhere other than she happened to think of on short notice.

It might not be worth getting permanently settled here, Maedhros says. He presumably will come eventually.


It won't take me long to move people if they want to be moved, but yeah. It probably is worth trying to grow food and I didn't assess the places for agriculture first though.


I've got people out doing soil tests now.


I should possibly go tell Ulmo what happened. Is the procedure 'stand at a beach and speak'? Should someone else who is not me do it?


You mean, someone who thinks highly of him? This is the heretic host. You should ask the Nolofinweans. But I expect he'd react fine to you, honestly.

I was thinking 'someone diplomatic', actually. I'll try the Nolofinwëans.

She tries the Nolofinwëans.

Turgon's been talking with him, Nolofinwë says. He'll go with you.


So Loki and Turgon go to a beach. A south continent beach. Oh, look, horseshoe crabs.


And he wades into the water up to his knees - "you can come too, if you'd like" and stands there letting the waves break just past him.


Sure why not. Wade wade.

And he starts singing. Either it's a powerful magic song or it's working, because it feels abruptly as if the air pressure is rising, as if there's a dangerously strong current running through them, as if the sea is the only thing in all direction -

What have you done? says Ulmo.

Fission bomb.
Valinor is closed to those who fled the crimes they committed there, and not a good environment for Men or Dwarves or you - this directed at Loki. But this world is terribly unsafe now. And there are other peoples in the lands you have by necessity claimed, who will not be stronger for the sudden influx of reckless and desperate Noldorin neighbors. And there are greater evils at work.

We told Fëanor he could not triumph. He said that perhaps Eru had set in him a fire greater than we know. He was right about that. He
still cannot triumph.

I didn't think this continent was inhabited. I can shuffle things around to give whoever's here space.


You can. He does not sound exactly approving. You will in fact have to do a great deal of shuffling; the Enemy will not take long to find you here, and if he guesses that he can keep you too distracted to do your invention by routinely attacking civilians you have the power to save, he will do precisely that.


Wouldn't surprise me.

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