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"All right. It would annoy me if he were throwing games."


"That's another reason to think he's not doing it; he wouldn't want to annoy you."


"Well, it's possible he'd think I wouldn't find out; if he has been throwing games it's been very subtle."


"But eventually you'd probably ask him and - well, once upon a time I would have finished that sentence 'he wouldn't lie to you'."


"...I'm not going to lie detection song him about it but I could do so in principle."


"I also wouldn't put it past Macalaurë to have built a Feanorian exception into his song."




"Even I know how to do that. Instead of having the song check 'is truthful'? you check 'is truthful or is speaker of the house of Fëanor', and the latter is much easier to specify magically than the former, it would barely add any complexity."


"Well, I'll bear that in mind if I ever want to verify their honesty on something more urgent than their Governor-playing habits."


"Remember when we first met, and I told you Maitimo lied constantly and in particular with smiles, and you were insulted that I thought you'd be won over by some silver-tongued charmer -"




"Tell them good skill, and good fortune if there's anything they're leaving to fortune's hands."


"Will do."


If they can they're not leaving anything to fortune's hands. There's now material for a second bomb so if the test one fails they can try again.


She works and works on cargo/passengers/etc. (And passes on messages and plays Governor and wishes she had rationed Quendi girls.)


Does she really really hate sleeping with someone twice even if it's been a decade? Maedhros assures her that he has not been throwing Governor and points out that Fingon has a lower-than-warranted opinion of his honesty. There's a long, bitter winter during which everyone who can't walk on snow is rather stuck in their houses for a few days, unless they fire-song out.


(The helper Nolofinwëans are full up on warm songs, right? Good.) She has never managed to find sleeping with the same girl on two occasions appealing over any span of time! It's really annoying! If only all the Quendi boys around didn't have scary soul monogamy bullshit! If only Sigyn had come with her like he was supposed to!


Girls could switch apartments and dye hair and pretend to be different people, how good is her memory for faces? And bodies, they guess that complicates it. What an odd problem to have. They hope Sigyn's okay but on the other hand it's good there's no one close to her who Thauron could have gone after.


...Loki doesn't comment on how admirably she thinks Sigyn would hold up under torture. Anyway, this is very sweet of them to offer (...that, and she prides herself on being awesome in the sack, this is probably helping) but it's not gonna help even if she takes the eidetic necklace off.


The Quendi are very baffled but sure, okay, Asgardians can be as strange as they please.


It's not an Asgardians thing! There are completely bisexual Asgardians! This is just her. Very, very, very incompletely bisexual. Sort of... not, actually, bisexual, just in a very extended experimental phase.


Well, Loki can be as weird as she pleases.


Yes she can.


They're trying a better bomb design. They explain the details but they're a bit technical.


A bit, yes. She did legitimately read all those books she swears they've just gone on a bit from there and she's been elsewhere occupied.

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