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Whether it in fact goes boom, how much damage it does if it does. She's really really not going to be able to assemble it on her own.


Well then. She's expecting cargo to click in another half a year to two years.


Well, enriching enough uranium for another one is going to take at least that long.


Work work work work work.


The Nolofinwean residents of Himring have picked up that something is up, and politely enquired. Maedhros has deflected them.


Loki will obey the need-to-know policy on this. Fingon can guess, probably.


He does. "They're fast," he says, the next time she sees him, apropos of nothing. "It's been less than two Years as we used to count them."


"They are very fast."


"I'm not sure if it's because it's so desperately needed or if this is the pace they want to spend their eternity at."


"I told Fëanor that with access to my galaxy he could probably learn a language every day and not run out and he said he'd have to start by figuring out a way to go faster."


"It's not Fëanor I'm worried about."


"Well, he's the one I have a charming rapidity-related anecdote about."


"He tends to drag rather a lot of people along in his wake."


"I've noticed."


"Your teleportation has annoyingly obviated face-to-face communication with cousins. Well. Send them my regards, let them know that if there's anything we can do - short of ordering all our engineers over there, I expect they'd be needed but they'd want an explanation -"


"Sorry. The side effect didn't occur to me. Soon I'll be able to do passengers?"


"Doesn't give me an excuse. But thank you."


"Me and Maedhros haven't tried the four-player Governor version yet, I could rope you into that?"


"You haven't? It's a much better game for four. Um. I'll mention it to my father and see how far he raises his eyebrows."


Loki giggles. "I don't know who the fourth person would be but I'm sure there's somebody."


"Maedhros usually plays with his brothers. He and I on a team is unfair; he can read me perfectly, every time we've played I've been accused of passing him information through osanwë."


"Oh dear. Does that make it a problem to have you on opposite teams too?"


"Surprisingly, less of one. I'm mostly constrained to plans where I won't be damaged by the fact he can see them coming; I still sometimes beat him even when he's trying to win."


"...How concerned should I be that he's been throwing half our games?"

"The thing to do with Maedhros is to sit him down and say very stenly 'you are allowed to manipulate me for the greater good but not just for your amusement' and then he will do his very best to stop. Restraint is not in the Feanorian skillset so he won't stop perfectly but he'll try very hard.

I doubt he's been throwing games; your world has more intrigue than ours, you have a much richer corpus of intrigues to play from."
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