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Ari is patrolling the streets of scenic Vancouver! Well, actually he's just going to visit Peter, but he's keeping an eye out for monsters along the way. It's a nice night, monsters like ruining that kind of thing. The streets are more or less deserted, it being 2:00 AM on a Tuesday. Ari whistles cheerfully.

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A small figure wanders into the path of a streetlight. She is looking around unhappily. She looks like an eight year old with costume angel wings, until one of the wings extends and shakes itself and then refolds against her back.


Ari is suspicious!

"Hello!" he says unsuspiciously. "Are you lost?"

"So lost!" she complains. "Door won't do place!"


Door won't... maybe she's lost her ability to transition, somehow? He still doesn't know if this creature will be evil or not, but he can't imagine putting her back in the Nevernever would do much harm.

"Do you need to get back to the Nevernever? I can open a gate for you."


"Back what? Need going nice bar or a Jane world. Gate go there?"


"I don't know who Jane is, and while I know some nice bars, I don't think they serve portals to your homeworld. You don't know what the Nevernever is?"

"That's... interesting. Why do you have wings?"

(Identities for child with wings that doesn't know about the Nevernever: Faerie with amnesia? Unusually incompetent supernatural predator? Escaped government experiment? Inexplicably humanoid Outsider? Tiny X-Man?)

"Am angel. Like Mommy." Flutter.


(Probably not a changeling, maybe some kind of inherited magical mutation, maybe some arbitrary species, why are there so many obscure monsters goddammit)

"Do you know where your Mommy is?"

"Is home, probably. Am lost."


Ari sighs. "Do you have something of hers? I can find her for you, if you do."


Pen peers at herself. "Uuuum. My clothes my shoes my bracelets." Headshake. There's also an opal-looking thing embedded in her forearm, but it doesn't look like it would come off or is likely to belong to her mommy.

Opal thing! That's, uh, weird. Weird.

"Well, I can track her with a drop of your blood. Do you mind me taking some?"

"Dooooon't think you can," she says consideringly. "Am safed."


Ari raises his eyebrows. "Do you mind if I test it?"


"How do?" she asks.


"Well, I have a pin. If you're warded against that, I can make up a little spell to just take a bit right out of you. Or if you don't want me pricking you."


"Spell maybe do work, depends how wishes know it," muses Pen. "Do that, no pins, ew pins."


He hums for a moment, thinking in proto-Germanic.

"Okay, got it." He takes out a tissue and says a few words.


The tissue turns bloody; Pen scrunches her eyes shut.

Ari folds the tissue over considerately. He sits, scratches a circle around himself on the pavement, mutters a few words, and-

the tissue bursts into flames. He yelps and throws it into a nearby gutter. "What the hell!"

"What? What?" asks Pen, opening her eyes.


"Uh, either your mommy is behind some... impossibly strong wards, or she's beyond the Outer Gates."


"Is another world," Pen points out reasonably. "Samaria. This world not even a Jane."

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