Ari is patrolling the streets of scenic Vancouver! Well, actually he's just going to visit Peter, but he's keeping an eye out for monsters along the way. It's a nice night, monsters like ruining that kind of thing. The streets are more or less deserted, it being 2:00 AM on a Tuesday. Ari whistles cheerfully.
"Huh. Interesting! I'm guessing the discovery of the USS God was a surprise to everyone involved."
"I know! I just like putting things weirdly."
The elevator arrives at the appropriate floor! "Alright, time to meet the temporary residence."
"It is a house for people! Well, a residence for people. The house itself isn't a person, I don't think. If it is, I apologize."
"Is he a person house? I agree, a person house would be nice. I'm sorry if ours falls short. I can name her Jessica, if that would help."
"He are them, person houses, person castle one. Name not help. Jarvises can doors."
"Aw. I mean, if you end up stuck here for years or something I can probably make a house that is also a person, or bind a spirit to- hm, there's an idea. It's a thing about him being a house, right? That lets him do that?"
"It's..." Pen shrugs. "Not sure. Is a person school building in the scary world, and she doors too, but think maybe person-places have to tasting doors before do them anytime."
"Aw. Because there's things that have absolute control over places, and if we found one that was a house I could beat it up and sit on it until it opened a door for you."
He opens the door into the apartment, which is, unfortunately, a door to his apartment. It's a nice apartment, though. Tastefully decorated. If you consider reams of crystals and horrifyingly complex nets of silk thread dangling everywhere to be tasteful.
"I could ask nicely before beating up the house! Knock on the door politely and everything. Maybe it'd be a very reasonable house."
"There's an idea. I'll ask around for that kind of thing. Are you hungry at all? In a related question, do you know how to cook, because an eight-year-old's cooking is probably better than mine.""
"That's all right. I can usually manage ramen, and there's always pizza. Pizza is a blessing in this cold, cold world."
Ari scoops her up (careful of the wings) and hugs her! Ari is well versed in the art of hugging. Hugging a tiny person with large wings is an interesting challenge, but one he has faced in the past.