with blackjack, hookers, and hopefully Abadarans
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... That wasn't the right kind of...

It's like she's an earth elemental and she's got it into her head that she just needs to go deeper.

Okay, so, on one hand: Bright Morning Feather is clearly not very useful as an ally.

On the other hand: She doesn't exactly have the chance to be picky, does she.

On the prehensile tail while wildshaped into a monkey: Even if the baby druid is incompetent, if this turns to actual violence that ends in death, it will absolutely spiral even more out of control.

She stands abruptly out of her chair.

"Motion that any and all duels between delegates not be to the death," she says, because that is ultimately the thing she cares about most here.


Message to Feather: I think no one told you the rules. When you insult a noble, they are supposed to ask that you apologize. If you don't, they get to fight you or pick a friend who's willing to fight you. If you can't fight you can pick a friend but it makes you look weak. There's more rules like about where you fight and whether it's lethal or not, but that's the heart of it.


"Seconded. Let's not waste the Archmage Naima's resurrections, shall we?"


"Seconded," says Eulàlia graciously. "The foolishness and cruelty of a few should not sow bitterness and division in Cheliax when what is needed is unity and forgiveness."

And to the fucking stupid druid, "It is a lie as it is untrue, not merely because you are personally ignorant of its truth."


"I object to such a Resolution not in Principle, but only at the present Time, as it would create uncertainty regarding the Duel currently in Progress should one of its Participants die, though a Resolution that all Future Duels not be to the Death would satisfy such objection."


Aww, no fight. 


They aren't dueling right now, their seconds are arranging a time. Let's be gentlemen, shall we?


"I think they have not actually started dueling and are arranging it, so: hey you two, don't kill each other!"


Reply to Message: wait, we could have asked to fight her all day yesterday in the committee and instead we sat there taking her insults?! Was she insulting us hoping for a fight?

(Feather is not used to the Message cantrip, or particularly conscious that her reply will be heard)


“I motion that if there’s a duel over what someone says in here, the duel has to be somewhere we all can watch.”


"Seconded; the Outcome of any Duel originating from this Body is of interest to the whole Body."


Eulàlia is perfectly happy to stand here patiently being the obviously aggressed-upon and outraged party and waiting for her apology. She's hoping not to get it, but not getting it is even better if she's been perfectly mature about the whole thing.


Civilization was a mistake.

Voshrelka is just going to be over here, head in her hands, despairing over how she seems to be the druid in the room who is A: Most able to say words, B: Most diplomatic with those words, and most importantly, C: How she did not show up yesterday and quietly send Feather to the wrong country for the convention and thus far away from the actual one, so that their overall goals could be better achieved.


Message back: I wasn't there and didn't see it, I'm just telling you the rules. Only gentlemen- and women- duel but I think all or most of the delegates get honorary status as gentlemen for the duration of the convention.


"If I may. 8. Delegate Vivas said, I quote, “I do not think we can continue with anything resembling the current situation, but it is not as simple as saying 'no more slavery' and being done with it. If we free the slaves, what will their legal status become? What will we do about existing slave owners—should there be any compensation for their expected losses? If anyone has specific proposals for new policies, I would be interested in hearing them."


He will sit next to his fellow elf, since there apparently is a fellow elf, and sew, and mourn.


(He is privately judging the Countess de Seguer for her conduct here. Challenging a commoner to a duel should really be beneath her dignity. If you can't have a commoner whipped or put to death for the insult without needing a duel about it, that says more about you than it does about them.)


Message reply: can I get her or her friend to duel my strongest friend, who's back in Ravounel Forest?


Of course it is! So she's not doing it, just politely requesting the withdrawal of the insult while her allies do it!


Yeah. Yeah.

... Does Tuimfane want help with his sewing.



"Does anything actually hinge on the contents of these minutes anymore or do I waste my time."


Message: If you can get them fast and bring them here, yes, but not otherwise. I'm her champion, by the way.


Sure. It's good to have another elf here.


"Can you just skip to the part we were actually arguing about?"


It really is, isn't it. They're all mad.

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