with blackjack, hookers, and hopefully Abadarans
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Xavi votes exactly the same way as the delegate called on before him, which in this case was against paying taxes or having slavery.


He votes against, against, for.

Being excused from taxes is... tempting... but seems like it might be a poor idea systematically?  The archdukes are voting against, probably best to follow them.

Of course slavery is Asmodean, the new leadership is probably the expert on Good's thoughts on that sort of thing.  He's already ahead of his peers on freeing his halflings.  The clerks might have dragged their heels and grumbled some, but there was no resulting disaster, and most of the halflings even stuck around to keep working his cash crops!


Against, against, for, all loudly. If they don't need slavery it's a relief to be rid of it.


The Archdukes are watching, vote the way they do. Against, against, for.


The loyalty test is comically easy, even with a Paladin throwing a bit of confusion at it.  He didn't think Paladins were allowed to do that.  The Paladin abstained, so he guesses the Paladin couldn't even really commit to a deception, just put an idea out there to see if people were paying attention and not just copying the Paladin.  Against, against, for.

It is somewhat surprising how many people are failing such an easy test, but maybe Fernando is more ahead of the masses than he thought when it comes to Goodness and Lawfulness and Loyalty?  He feels better about himself already!


Daniel votes against the tax exemptions. Lower taxes is good and all but these proposals are just blatant self-interest.

He votes in favor of recognizing slavery as Asmodean—that one hundred and sixty delegates are complete idiots is disappointing, but it doesn't surprise him at this point.


As goes the cute boy, so goes Seguer.


Feather abstains on taxes and votes against slavery.


Josep votes for the tax exemptions, why not. The treasury won't even notice the absence of taxes from most of the people in this room, he's pretty sure. (The fact that all of the most prominent nobles in the kingdom are in the room and the treasury absolutely would notice the absence of their contributions flies comfortably over his head, despite Ramirez's proposal.)

Slavery is a tougher call. He really does not want to stand out from the crowd, but even more so, he does not want this proposal to pass. There are a bunch of people voting against it, including some nobles and many elected delegates, and he joins them practically on impulse. Then he spends the rest of the session cursing himself out for being so obvious and making himself a target, and not even getting the proposal defeated for it.


She votes against exempting all the nobles from taxes, on the grounds that they're parasites enough already, and against the tax exemption on commoners because it's pretty obvious how the noble who proposed it expects to benefit from all their descendants being immune. She votes against the slavery proposal too, because without Hell footing the bill slaves are the only real way to get enough resources, but unfortunately that one passes comfortably anyway.


Against both tax immunities - she considered voting for the first as a sop to Alfonso, but thankfully he's also voting against. The slavery one is a no brainer, and she's extremely pleased to see it passes so readily. It's also more evidence that Valia is right about the common people, considering how the sortition delegates are voting.


He votes against both tax proposals, and abstain on the slavery question. 

(He has, in fact, gotten his hands on any economics textbooks since being in the city)


Well, this has been quite the disaster. But if nothing else, slavery being officially recognized as Asmodean is a victory. The composition of the slavery committee must be altered—the floor will clearly not accept a committee that swings on the opinions of halflings. Let's see if he can't turn this around. He raises his placard and clears his throat.

"I support Delegate Ramirez's motion for a change in the composition of the Committee on Slavery.

During our first meeting yesterday, Delegates Barro and Moles repeatedly proved themselves incapable of working in good faith with the committee. Moles opened with a statement about how, in his opinion, the purpose of the committee was to sneak things by 'the Queen's excessively Galtan advisor'. Once he lost the chairship, he refused to engage with us. He spent more time calling our members 'stupid bitches' than working on any issue brought before us. On two of the four internal votes we held, Moles initially refused to vote due to our 'illegitimacy'. On the fourth, he insulted our members and then left the room. Barro, meanwhile, spent his time agreeing with Moles, insulting our members, arguing that slavery isn't Asmodean, suggesting that if slaves were freed their owners would simply murder them in retaliation, and leaving the room. I do not believe either of them have a place on this committee anymore.

I also understand the concerns this body has about the... effectiveness of a committee dominated by undereducated halflings. We must add more members capable of writing competent, workable proposals."

He would prefer to add the Desnan, the elves, and Lebanel. Unfortunately, Lebanel is politically unviable and Duchess de Chelam wants in, so his choice is made for him. He's betting on low bias against elves—hopefully nobody brings it up at all.

"Of those who have already volunteered for a position on the committee, I support Chosen Tosta, for her dedication to a Good faith; Duchess de Chelam, for her knowledge and expertise; Delegate Coeliaris, for her long legal experience; and Delegate Voshrelka, for her unique perspective."


"I didn't break any rules. I didn't even vote to kill innocent people, unlike certain members of the committee. He's also lying about what I said. I said that if slaves were freed and other property of the slaveowners was seized to give to them slaveowners would want to just murder their slaves before that happened. He's trying to get me kicked off the committee because I disagree with him — is that even allowed—"

(The last remark is clearly directed at Élie. He would never in a million years have said any of this under the old regime but he's pretty sure Good people have principles, and won't have him tortured at all for it.)


Élie is still working on the problem where Cansellarion is trying to destroy the government, but sure, fine, he can deal with this too.

"I agree with the Inquisitor that committee assignments should be carried out in a systematic fashion and not on a case by case basis, and suggest tabling the composition of this committee until one can be brought forward. That said, there seems to be some disagreement over whether you're being expelled from the committee or left of your own accord."


"I left the room after half of them voted to kill my entire family. I wasn't trying to quit the committee." He is not entirely sure he could testify to the second part of that under an Abadar's Truthtelling. If they put him under one he's planning to focus on all the horrible things the slips and the bird-monster did.


"I believe Delegate Barro's behavior was not on the whole worse than that of some members who are apparently intended to remain on the committee."


"Is there anyone else on the committee who can't tell the difference between a maimed halfling and a goat?" 


Well, looks like Cotonnet isn't going to set reasonable procedures for them. What makes sense...

You probably don't want simple majority to edit a committee, if she'd been able to do that with her aldermen she'd have had a committee of yes-men in hours. Two-thirds vote to remove members, or add volunteers? Sure.

Chair chosen by majority vote or as part of committee proposal, and breaks ties. Can't propose yourself as chair? Bribing someone is easy but doing that in a way that isn't obvious is much harder... sure, ban it.

Minimum size of five, maximum of... eleven? And the representation requirement; even with being a little more suspicious of Alexeara's judgment, Jilia suspects she wouldn't actually like the result if the nobility evaded that on the committees where it matters. If any of the committee are already more than eleven they can stay, but not get larger.

New committees take signups, five to eleven again, must meet the representation requirement and hold spots if they haven't yet. If there's too many signups, let the four types try to sort it out voluntarily. The President, or the chair if there's already a chair, can resolve it if not, or just by lot.

Something to revoke the committee's authority from the floor, like might happen with slavery if this doesn't go smoothly. Propose a new committee at least as large and have a two-thirds vote for it? Two-thirds for everything is easy to remember.

Given the current proposal, if the floor votes by two-thirds to add a list of volunteers, the chair should have to select from them up to the maximum size and add them.

It's more complicated than she likes, and any part of it would be easy to argue against, but other than the representation pieces she doesn't think anyone has reason to try.


...Sure. Good enough. Just write this down and wait for these people to either calm down or make fools of themselves.


"We voted to impose a legal punishment on a crime. Then Delegate Barro stormed out."


Huh. 'Desired for her unique perspective.' That's kind of strange, she would have expected to be gently passed over, but, well. She did go and display a sympathy to halflings. That's probably the sort of thing someone wants to leverage. She supposes she's probably committed now, or something. Maybe she can make, well, not friends, but allies.


"The baron explained that your law would punish people who just didn't hear slavery is illegal right away. You didn't care." He's said this like three times already. Fucking slips.


Permira, that isn't helping! She really needs to learn when to shut up.

'We voted to impose a legal punishment on a crime' isn't a defense when everyone already thinks you want to kill all slaveowners.


Is he getting passed over for the slavery committee?  That’s not ideal, but apparently lots of people are confused slavery is evil and Asmodean so he is still well above the bottom fourth.  He can distinguish himself later in the monarchy committee.  Or maybe try to start a new committee dealing with indentures and loans?  He can do that tomorrow.


"If anyone desires that I read the minutes of the discussed portion of the meeting I have them and did not get that far before."

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