Livi is pretty sure that if he tries to propose the economics committee, the monsters will just all declare themselves against it. So he suggests the elected delegate from last night be the one to actually make the motion. (Fucking Abadarans, why couldn't they just let this be simple.)

"My lords and honored delegates," says the elected, who is slightly more familiar with how to phrase things in a way people will go along with, "many of our committees touch on matters of economics, but none are entirely devoted to it. I propose the creation of a new committee, discussing matters of economics and property." He pauses for dramatic effect. "Unfortunately, we have heard rumors that during the proceedings of other such committees, there were many... disruptive... behaviors, including open advocacy for banditry and threats of violence. As such, we also move that this committee be bound by additional rules: that all members of the committee behave with decorum as befits citizens of Cheliax, and that no member of the committee may threaten another member's life or propose to deprive another member of their property."

They're going to schedule it opposite Non-human Rights but they aren't announcing that. No one else is announcing their committee's schedule so it shouldn't be an issue if they don't either.