with blackjack, hookers, and hopefully Abadarans
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Okay, now Livi is speaking up himself. 

"Yesterday every slip on the committee voted to kill anyone who kept holding slaves. Not anyone who did it on purpose after hearing it was illegal. But anyone, starting right away, even if they live in the countryside and didn't hear yet."


"The druid is correct. Halflings rescued from the flaming ruins of Chelish noble estates and whisked off to Absalom find high-paying work as artisans with more ease than humans do, and six of them among my own students have already picked up the arcane arts to no inconsiderable degree."

"Or, in other words - Count Bellumar, they're smarter than you are." Now please challenge me to a duel, I love killing Chelish nobles.


It doesn't take a weathervane to know which way the wind blows right now in this chamber and urban professional Lluïsa was not really planning on ever owning a slave, so:

"If there are founded Worries that our Esteemed Halfling Delegates despite having the greatest Firsthand Experience of the Issue may be Unlettered or lack the requisite Knowledge, they may prevail upon me to draft Language with great precision, or any other Lettered Draftsman. I had not heard expertise in drafting Law, or even mere Literacy, to be required of any Delegate to have his proposal considered."


"Sorry, they voted to immediately kill anyone who held slaves?"


"Perhaps the Slavery Committee's position on 'killing all slaveowners' would be more reasonable if you and Moles didn't obstruct the vote and leave the room, Delegate Barro. And that proposal did not pass, by the way."


"Señor Ibarra, I am sure I've misunderstood you."


"Delegate Barrio - misunderstood. We voted to kill all slavers after the law came out. We hadn't decided how much time to give them to hear about the law, because the law didn't pass." Permira is good at lying to Chelish people.


He probably shouldn’t agree with a lawyer too much, but he had already been waiting to speak before hearing her.  Time to get some points for loyalty, goodness, and lawfulness all at once!

“The Crown should feel able to punish law breakers as it sees fit, including violators of a swiftly implemented but lawfully communicated law, such as one immediately ending slavery.”

Oh shit did he interrupt a duel about to start?


(Jaume buries his face in his hands.)


"I didn't leave until after four members voted to murder my entire family. And the slip is lying, the Baron said it was Asmodean to make a law like that without giving people time to hear and they voted for it anyway."


"All of the slips voted to kill all slaveowners? Just clarifying because I thought we were forbidden from proposing the murder of other delegates."


"They voted for 'the penalty of illegally holding a former slave' to be death."


"As I said, ladies and gentlemen, the slips are vengeful and stupid. That's why we need someone else to responsibly work out the details of abolition."


"I would be delighted to improve your understanding, Count Bellumar, should you wish to request it of me."


"Was it your intent to allege that Her Majesty appointed to the rule of Bellumar a man less intelligent than your average slip."


She wonders if the wizard who's trying to get the nobleman to duel him wants a Barkskin. She has one prepped for today. ... Eh, he looks like he'll be fine. Better to save it if this all turns into infighting and chaos and she needs to flee.


“Sorry, is the former slaves being this mad about it supposed to be evidence against slavery being an Asmodeus institution? Don’t we have an entire committee for rooting out diabolists because the people of Cheliax feel the same way about the Thrunes and their infernal masters as slaves feel about slaveowners?”


"They didn't just vote for the penalty to be death for people who were holding slaves on purpose. The baron said you shouldn't kill people without letting them find out the law changed and they ignored him. Because they don't want to enforce the law, they want to kill as many people as they can."


"The claim is not that they are unjustified in their anger, nor even that they were not wronged, it's that their policy proposals will be very stupid."


Wait, are they allowed to duel other delegates?  Thea needs to look up the rules on how weapons and terms are chosen, she could easily kill someone normally stronger than her if she can force the fight to be empty handed or with obscure monk weapons.  She should start prepping a combat relevant spell each day as well, she can cast swiftly even holding a weapon thanks to one of her more unusual divine boons.


“Delegate Barro, lying and misrepresenting the actions and motivations of the committee to make it less embarrassing that you stormed out isn’t going to work.”


"It sounds like Delegate Barro alleges the slip is lying and the slip alleges Barro is. Perhaps both would be willing to undergo an Abadar's Truthtelling to clear their names and clear up the matter for the convention."


"Fiducia Agramunt, can you confirm that the baron pointed out the issue I mentioned? And that the slips — and the bird-monster — didn't care?"


"It has always been my steadfast belief that Her Majesty appointed men for the purity of their hearts, not the quality of their wits, though I admit I'm somewhat surprised you passed that test, too."


SHIT that spell didn't exist in the old regime she thought she would get a duel and the scary guy would be her champion because he looks like he likes killing people 

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