with blackjack, hookers, and hopefully Abadarans
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"Perhaps the delegate from Ravounel mistakes me for some other party, as I have spoken here only to request the wise Fiducia clarify what was said in the committee against slavery, and have made no reference to Delegate Liushna at all. I request that she withdraw her mistaken and outrageous insult."


Wait, you're not the only person with feathers here! -

yeah OK Feather can recognize when she should slow down, a lot of strange people quickly shouting at each other isn't her forte even when they aren't Outsiders.


Lluïsa dutifully copies down "bird person" and "person with feathers" to her List Of Acceptable Terms.

"Fiducia, what was the result of the initial vote on Delegate Moles' election as chair?"


"Ahem. I will touch on that in item seven if ever I reach it. 3. Delegate Moles remarked that he had hoped that the first order of business could be to overturn the new regime's law permitting the existence of free halflings but that it might be impossible with the committee composed as it was, and speculated about removing the halflings from the committee."


Message to Eulalia: If she doesn't need it to be to the death, he's prepared to get the druid to withdraw the insult.


Fight! Fight! Fight!


“Dude, what the fuck?”


Oh yeah that was someone else wasn't it? Feather got rather fixated on Eulàlia after the committee yesterday, when any horrible remark could be reliably inferred to have come from her direction.

"I merely pointed out the result of not voting to prohibit slurs and lies," she says half-truthfully.


He scowls at the Desnan.


"Item FOUR! Excuse me! Item four. I announced that I expected - that is, I expected at the time - that a committee changing composition midstream in such a way would likely attract attention from the President."


Awww cute boy's willing to duel for her. She does not need it to be to the death. She would gratefully accept his defense and desires only that the insult be corrected, she replies by message.


"Fiducia, were these Minutes approved by Vote as well? I recognize that it is Customary to vote on the previous Session's Minutes at the Opening of the next Session, but in the face of such Acrimony and Controversy it would do well to seek such Confirmation earlier, before reading them into the General Record."


"As far as I can tell from my copy, the minutes are accurate. I do not believe Fiducia Agramunt would misrepresent them."


Cute boy thinks you back up your allies when they are attacked or you run out of allies.


"I am also prepared to truthspell myself if there is any doubt about the matter. 5. Delegates Vivas and Ramirez expressed that this approach would be ineffective and reduce the perceived validity of the committee.
6. A detour into the question of whether slavery is, per se, Asmodean."


Voshrelka is looking at Feather and shaking her head desperately. She mouths across the room, "SAY YOU ARE SORRY."


This is boring. Can they go back to voting on not having to pay taxes ever again.


Feather isn't looking at Voshrelka! She's looking at the horrible woman!


"Your particular choice of examples of a vile lie was poorly chosen, but if you apologize for it and make it clear that it was indeed a vile lie then I would be happy to move past the misunderstanding."


.... Well.

Baby druid is probably going to die, so. That'll be fun.

(Why did her forest send her. What the fuck was their plan.)


"Minutes cannot be approved by Magic, esteemed Fiducia! The votes to Correct and Approve Minutes are a vital Procedure to ensure that the Record reflects the Consensus of the Body in Question. There is no dispute, I believe, that the Fiducia believes his Minutes accurate in his own mind, sufficiently so for any known Magic."

How can they just neglect procedure like this! Procedure is the foundation of deliberation!

"True and accurate as they undoubtedly are, I urge this assembly to disregard such Minutes until the Membership of the Committee in question have an opportunity to offer Corrections."


Five year olds. All of them, fucking five year olds.


"I am prepared to receive corrections and disputes of this account, yes. 7. This detour was punctuated by Delegate Permira observing that the chair was appointed without vote. She nominated Delegate Vivas. Delegate Barro nominated myself. I indicated support for Delegate Ramirez but agreed that I would serve if called upon. Predictable vote distribution is available in the sidebar. Delegate Vivas won the seat."


Wow, it's even crazier than Thea said it was yesterday!  Also, it's a major relief to Dia that Thea is hearing one of the committees yesterday was also full of conflict and disagreement.  Thea had been naively assuming the committees were all much more orderly than the open floor, and would have entered into the anti diabolism committee unprepared without Dia's caution warning her otherwise.


Ugh. More drama probably won't help at this point. "It was certainly vile. And would be a lie for me to say, since I cannot personally vouch for all of it." Except the part about her being horrible. "I apologize for - making the discussion even more heated and chaotic, which was unproductive and immature of me." There, that should be enough for miss 'kill everyone you know, we have the archwizards'.

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