beka is portalsnaked to evil arda
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"Maybe they have something better than Mandos for after they die and she thinks I should have killed you? Do you think that?" he asks Peka.


"Uh, no, people are just dead after they die, what's a Mandos?"


"He brings them back to life if he feels like it but he doesn't usually, not often enough that you can count on it, and he tampers with your head before he does. I am not clear on what the unproblematic thing to do with my prisoner would be."


"Conventionally you don't fuck 'em."


"Well, if you want to be left alone then okay? I don't want to hurt you. Beka do you want to be left alone."




"Didn't think so! Well, one for me and one for the engineers to learn electricity and birth control things from, that seems like a reasonable distribution of mysterious pretty girls. I guess electricity might be an enemy plot but I bet the engineers will go ahead anyway."


"I don't know how those things work."


"If you know anything about them we can try to extrapolate from that."


Also she doesn't know anything about these people and they are keeping her prisoner but she supposes if they read minds she doesn't get much choice.


"You can ask Beka what the other side of the war is like."


"Well I am from some kinda alternate timeline or something."


" - okay but we haven't noticed any differences that suggest our Melkor is nicer."


"Yeah that's true. He's super bad."


Uh-huh. Ugh, whatever, she's not exactly pro-Tapa and she joined their army.


"He bred himself a special slave race that is in constant nearly-unbearable physical pain and he is trying to take over the world with them but when that's hard he's perfectly happy to just idly force them to torture their children to death for fun."


That's pretty gratuitous.


Our people are not fighting him just because he murdered their King and caused an ecological catastrophe that rendered their whole continent uninhabitable though it contributed.


Well they are letting her have her baby. So.


They are.


Someone brings food and a Elf woman who can feed the baby.


It's not fair.

She hopes alien milk is okay for Amentan babies and they don't decide to kill them for convincing them to let a red baby touch one.


I really think it would be helpful if you'd explain the thing? We're not going to hurt your baby but if something bad is going to happen - if she's going to get people sick or something - it'd be much better if we knew about it now. We'll still feed her, that's worth being sick.



too ah too ee ay


He looks helplessly at Beka.


Elf woman coos delightly at Katin and offers her a breast.


Katin is confused for a bit because she is used to bottles but eventually figures it out.

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