Beka is not sure what she was expecting as a result of walking into a snake monster but an Elf city would have been very low on a list of possibilities if someone had jumbled a lot of random words together into place-phrases and had her rank them. "Elf city" would probably have been under "spider void" and above "grape juice ocean". And yet here she is.
Had to do that when Peka was younger too, her hair looked white. Have to look red if you are but hair doesn't make it so. Too ah too ee ay.
I'm not going to insist but I really think it'd be better if we knew, we're not going to be angry with you for warning us about something we should know.
Well, if you explain how it works then I'd stop misunderstanding how it works.
- okay, but you didn't come here on purpose, you were randomly teleported, probably by a meddling deity, and if there's somewhere you're supposed to be and we know about it we could get you there.
Macalaurë sighs. I will invite some engineers to come talk with you later, if that's all right?
You can let me or the guards know if you or Katin needs anything before they arrive.
She is a very hungry baby and the Elf will not get very long breaks. Where's the Elf's baby?