beka is portalsnaked to evil arda
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Credit? Population control?


Credit so she's allowed to have the baby. The baby was not planned and she had to buy aftermarket, marked up hideously, still not paid off. Population control so they don't have too many people.


Huh. We don't do that here. Angband doesn't do that, Valinor doesn't do that, Doriath doesn't do that.


They'll have to eventually unless they already know how to get into space.


...cause otherwise there will be too many people, and they will have to kill each other to have enough space and food and stuff.


Huh. You can explain it to the King and maybe after the war is over he'll look into it. Humans can't help having children, though, it just happens randomly.


Yeah it wouldn't work if you haven't invented birth control.

Where's her pocket everything, did they break it? She probably won't be able to charge it here anyway.


We are trying to determine if it's safe. Is it safe? Charge it? Birth control?


These are real dumb aliens. It's safe. There's probably some way to make it explode but she doesn't know how. Electricity. Stuff you do so you can have sex in spring and not have a baby. She would've done it but she'd had a girlfriend and they'd broken up anyway and she hadn't gotten around to it when orange boy got her alone.


Sigh. What's electricity?

Permalink's this thing, she doesn't know how it works.


Huh. We haven't invented that, or birth control. I'll have some people get working on it. Is it safe to keep your species confined for extended periods of time?


She'll atrophy or whatever but will not blow up, what does that question even mean.


Elves die. I'm trying to figure out what we'll need for you to be safe and comfortable while we're uncertain if it's safe to have you wandering about. He pats Beka. We made it work last time.


Yeah what the fuck is up with that.


"Oh, I might be compromised so I gotta be guarded or tied up all the time but it's not bad or anything."


The Enemy likes trying complicated ways to learn things and manipulate people. He's the obvious cause of, uh, randomly appearing pretty girls in my city, so we're being careful. 


...Peka glances between Grey Her and Photoshop Makel and concludes that they are starring in their very own problematic kinky romance novel.


- you are very confusing.


None of this is her fault!


I don't blame you, I'm actually very glad you're here so we can maybe learn how to do electricity and birth control. I'm just very confused by you. All of your thoughts are confusing. What is a romance novel. What is a kinky romance novel. What is a problematic kinky romance novel. 


A romance novel is a book with romance and sex in it and a kinky one is like one where somebody is tied up whenever the sex parts happen and the problematic thing is that apparently she's a prisoner in real life.


Why is that a problem? Is that a problem for you? he asks Beka confusedly.


"No, I mean, what else are you gonna do, right?"

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