Beka is not sure what she was expecting as a result of walking into a snake monster but an Elf city would have been very low on a list of possibilities if someone had jumbled a lot of random words together into place-phrases and had her rank them. "Elf city" would probably have been under "spider void" and above "grape juice ocean". And yet here she is.
beka is portalsnaked to evil arda
"I don't think anyone's avoiding them as policy? They have another red Peka, though, and she left but I don't know if they all got clean or not."
Our Valar would not do that, but supposedly with these ones there is more cause for optimism.
We don't mind water from rivers and wells. We're arranging - well, we were arranging - to purify it for humans since they get sick but it'd be a waste to do that for Elves, since we don't.
I think it's a somebody, not a something. It's too oddly personal. Anyway, thank you for speaking with the Valar.