in color amentans meet hazel
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Are they sure they can account for, say, Muggleborn attendees of Padhaai Kalale?


"I can arrange for their disappearance at eleven not to provoke concern, yeah."


"They might conceivably want to attend an alternate session while Padhaai Kalale isn't operating - I'd need to look up the schedule - to catch up on things."


"Once we have local teachers trained we'll be able to offer a lot more sessions and flexibility, but that might work even now, depending what hours they'd need. There is someone apprised that there'll be occasional eleven-year-olds going to an approved local school which we're being quiet about."


"Well, 'local'. Is that the only reason you have for allowing any flexibility?"


"Kids who can read and write and keep a budget can quit anytime. Disabled kids who panic in new environments can get a home tutor instead. ...if the social workers believe the parents that that's what's up."


"I don't know if this particular location will have this problem, but I'm imagining, oh, Gypsy kids being taught British history by white Brits and their parents not liking that."


"I don't mind having the local teacher be drawn from the relevant ethnic group to some degree but it makes me uneasy if the result is different schools by ethnic group - your ethnic groups do some good things but they're mostly just a disaster waiting to happen, castes at least have interdependence..."


"You can make them study math together, that's probably fine as long as you're making sure the teachers aren't actively assholes."


"Sure, we can do that, everyone together for most of the day and then pick your history teacher depending what you want to learn."


"Do you at least have an appeals process if someone has an objection I didn't think of?"


"The social workers are going around asking 'what do you need so your child can attend school', and the human community leaders are doing the same thing. If someone's got a good reason they'll get a chance to tell people about it."


"Okay, I think you're clear."


"Thank you for the advice."


"You're welcome."


Kefin's term ends and he hops on the next ship to Earth to spend his vacation there studying indigenous languages.


"Attention passengers, we'll be entering warp in fifteen minutes. You may wish to draw the curtains in your cabin or visit deck one suite five to watch the stars blur. If you experience dizziness, close the curtains; if it persists you can see the med orange in deck three suite twelve for a checkup. If you have been separated from companions, luggage, or anything else during boarding you may notify the logistics yellow in deck one suite two but please be advised that we cannot turn the shuttle around in most such circumstances. Have a pleasant trip."


"Fuck you," Kefin says to no one in particular. "Fuck you. That's not - that's not fair, it's not funny, it is stupid and you're stupid and I feel manipulated. Fuck you."


The captain has no further messages for him.


Kefin mutters under his breath and looks up the captain's name.


Pelape Milath.


Uh huh. 

"I hate you," he tells the ceiling again. "Not even for all of the suffering in the universe, though, yeah, fuck you for all of the suffering in the universe, but because you are choosing to break the laws of physics for such stupid things. It's contemptible."


Then he goes up and asks if he can meet the pilot.


"After we're punched up to warp, thanks."




He waits. Irritably. He occasionally mutters.



"We're warping. What can I do for you?"

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