in color amentans meet hazel
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"And Catherine's dad is ambiguous and I'm not sure if anyone's traced how many layers of ancestors of yours are alike."


"My grandparents match, their parents we don't think so. None of this makes any sense, you know."


"Hadn't escaped me."


"It seems possible that you have - less context about how the world is supposed to work and a broader hypothesis space and so how outrageously nonsensical this is isn't as obvious. But this is so. So. Outrageously. Nonsensical. Like, 'we are probably in a simulation' kinds of nonsensical."


"...a simulation?"


"Hmmm, so - let's say that you didn't have any ethics and you had the ability to describe universes in enough detail you could run them on computers. A thing you might do is run lots and lots of perturbations of your alien neighbors on your computers. To see if there's a way to perturbing them that gets them useful to you. For every actual Amenta in the real world there could be a couple thousand or a couple trillion someone was perturbing. Normally I consider this unlikely but 'we find a planet of people who are just like us to a truly implausible degree, and also have our literal family, as wizards, with magic' is also unlikely, and the one explains the other, so..."


"...this would require absolutely ludicrous amounts of detail."


"Our technological capabilities seem ludicrous to Muggle humans and we are only a couple centuries ahead of you, which is nothing."


"Does this have any usable implications or is it just a way to abdicate the search for explanations?"


"I thought you knew a me."


"I'm married to one, but he's never proposed that we were in a simulation before."


"Does he often propose explanations of massive glaring mysteries so that he can abdicate the search for an explanation, though."


"I'm not impugning your motivations at all, I'm asking if there's anything to this beyond 'we could be in a simulation' or if further explanation-hunting has to take place in other directions."


"It's something of an argument for behaving as if observed, and for being the kinds of people it's useful to cooperate with, but we haven't got a plan to break out, no."


"Are there more normal explanations?"


"Aliens seeding planets with clones of people who interest them? And then tinkering so they meet?"


"And have the same numbers of children? Well, not exactly, Rebecca has more siblings."


"This makes so little sense."


"Other than that how're you finding Anitam -"


"Dense. Admittedly very clean."


"You guys aren't all bad, just need to, uh, execute people less and look where you step."


"And feel slightly less entitled to any land with air over it."

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