in color amentans meet hazel
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"Yes!" Pause. "How?"


"She can eat mice and rats and fish and most kinds of meat. She will probably catch her own food but if she's trying to get at the table or snapping at people then maybe the evil aliens have paved over the place where she goes for food and you should ask the house-elves to get her things. She should get to spend lots of time outside flying, but have a sheltered place to come. If she snaps at you, she is done playing for now."


"And is hungry."


"If she snaps, she might be hungry or she might just be trying to say 'done playing' but she doesn't know how to say it nicely. You can try food, and if she doesn't like food then she was just trying to be done playing."


Pet pet pet pet. "Why can't she say nicely?"


"Because she doesn't have a mouth and can't talk."


"She has a mouth, Uncle Theodore."


"Sorry. Doesn't have a human-shaped mouth for making humans kinds of sounds."


Pet pet pet. "Cricket can be nice. That is how we know he is mean."


"I think it's a good idea to teach her nice ways to say she's done playing so if she wants to be nice she can."




"Well, if she snaps at you, you can go - right away - "owwwww, not okay" and leave. Then she knows that is what will happen if she snaps at you. Then you can pay lots of attention and notice things she does when she wants to be done playing, before she gets to snapping, and when she does those you can say 'done playing?' and give her a little space so she can decide whether she is done playing. And then she will learn how to communicate nicely with you."


Catherine frowns. "Say all that again."


She nibbles her lip, and nods, and carries Egg off to play.


Aaron has acquired Susanna a silk scarf that, when hung on a wall, is instead a stained-glass window and magic sewing supplies and a chest that is larger on the inside. It's a style by a famous wizard designer in New Delhi and the impossible interior arranged quite differently than the British kind; he watches over her shoulder while she pokes at it. 


Poke, poke. "- how do these work -"


"I haven't actually seen one which cares which side it was opened from before. The general idea is just that you can expand space, and so you do different layers and then expand them to each be the size of the whole chest."


"I mean the sewing things." She gingerly picks up a pair of menacingly snapping scissors.


"I don't know why they're menacing, they only cut things you intend to be cut. And the thread only snaps when you mean it to, and doesn't run out."


"Infinite thread? Really?"


"Is that weirder than menacing scissors?"


"A little." She wrestles the scissors back into their case. "I made you a coat." She produces the coat. Wool, reversible, snappy, made to measure.


"Thank you!"

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