in color amentans meet hazel
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"I guess but I've heard good things about the stuff. ...will it recommend us a restaurant, then?"


"- yes." It recommends this hole in the wall. It says not to order the pot pie.


That's a little ominous but okay. They do not order the pot pie. He gets weird alien pizza.


The weird alien pizza, Miranda's pilaf, and their desserts are all spectacular.


Faith in Felix restored! "Kefin said he can meet up tomorrow."


"Cool. He have any tourist destination suggestions while we're here?"


"Honestly I feel like I'm just going to get distracted by thinking 'this is what they want to do to Earth' but he did list some places."


"Well, they don't want to do it where potion ingredients go. It wouldn't be terrible to have a few places like this, just not literally everywhere."


"Oh, this is great. But if you did it with humans you could have this in, like, eight places, and the rest contain unicorns and so on."


"If you did this with humans and our population didn't grow."


"It could grow a lot. If it didn't grow forever and ever, though, yes."


"I like the trains."


"The trains are amazing."


"And I wouldn't want their mental malady making them do it but it's so clean."


"It's an impressive city. It's - they're so rich, I know I've said that before, but everything you see, it's just..."


"It's just pervasive. I think it's a bigger gap than the one between Muggle humans and wizards, to look at."


Nodnod. "If you measure in terms of how many hours of work someone would have to put in in order to have good food and shelter and help around the house - and that's not even taking into account the things they have which we can't do with magic - can't afford not to execute people -"


"I guess the money must be going somewhere but apparently not to prisons."


"Aitim has eight bodyguards and a housekeeper and a cook and a gardener and a nanny and two secretaries."


"It's interesting that they choose to spare the space for gardens big enough to need full time maintenance."


"I think maybe the lack of any actual open space bothers them at least a little but they don't know what they're missing, so. Gardens."


"I don't get all that much out of open space besides, like, the sky. You could fly above these buildings. ...might want a Bubblehead charm but you could do it."


"I definitely, separately from the sky, prefer there being hills and forests and things. Not strongly enough I'd pay as much for it to stay that way as other people'd pay to live there, but it would definitely make everything about my life vaguely worse if there were no forests or open moors or anything anywhere to be seen."


"Maybe they have some somewhere. And ration access to them so people don't crowd them."


"Which defeats the point. If you can't just step outside and walk and think, then you don't have them, even if they exist somewhere on the planet and you could buy tickets to tour them."

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