in color amentans meet hazel
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"If you want something else I'll try."


"I don't know what I'd do with money. I can't really shop."


"Pay someone to shop for you?"


"I'd have to hire someone and figure out what to have them buy. I'm really quite useless."


"There should be a market for personal shoppers who have very good taste in presents and they ask you, like, ten things you have which you like and then go out and get suitable presents. ...but given that there isn't I think it makes sense not to give you money."




Minor gets everybody who is not a small child pocket-everything cases that shield them from Apparition and make them less likely to fizzle at a spell cast near them, though it sometimes happens anyway. He gets Catherine a little robotic bird which is similarly encased so it can fly around the house and grounds. Joanna and Jeremy would eat electric things so he gets them magic blocks instead; they stick together unless you poke them with a third block that unglues them. 


Timothy and Michael and their mother work together on adding a new wing to the house. It is (probably specifically because Amentans build tall) only two stories, outrageously high-ceilinged and with lots of floorspace. It wraps around the old back of the house to create a courtyard. It has four more bedrooms and two rooms that could be bedrooms in a pinch. It's not visible from above even to people who can see the rest of the house, and it's not visible by walking around the house either; you have to go through one of the two doors, one in a sitting room and the other in the dining room. 


Theodore asks Michael and Rebecca if he can get his nieces and nephew a dragon. 

"Technically it's a pseudodragon. Doesn't breathe fire, doesn't bite, won't get longer than three feet. It's like a puppy with leathery wings and scales."


"Doesn't bite at all or doesn't bite you."


"They're not a bite-y species."


"Well, even puppies sometimes bite..."


"And Catherine would love it."


"You guys are the best parents. Okay."


Aitim sends everybody books and music that their alts liked.


"Apparently my alt's favorite books are...political science textbooks. Am I that boring?"


Michael is sharing earbuds with Rebecca. "I think Aitim is more humorless than you. For example, I am confident he has never turned anyone's arm into an eggplant."


"When did you turn someone's arm into an eggplant?"

(Ana gets everyone fantasy novels, except Aaron, who gets the price of one novel. Hala gets some people books and other people imported Amentan art objects, except Aaron, who she gets assorted Amentan currency. Karen gets everyone potions except Aaron who gets money. Miranda gets everyone cunning charmed objects except Aaron who gets money. Rebecca writes songs for all the kids and Michael, and goes in on Michael's gifts for everybody else.)


(Aaron gives everyone except Susanna and Kitty money and is delighted about his presents.)


"Fifth year. She was sexually harassing a classmate and I was busy and not in the mood to argue with her about it."


"I think it was very reasonable. I just can't see Aitim doing it."


"Is that because he's humorless or because actually doing anything for yourself ever isn't very blue?"

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