in color amentans meet hazel
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"Officer, I think you might not understand. They sterilized her for no reason. She doesn't have children. Do aliens just - not understand how evil that is?"


"That's a separate matter from whether you're disturbing the peace, and you are. Hands, please."


"We're standing here calmly telling people what they did to her. That's not disturbing the peace." He does not offer his hands. "We are being arrested for informing people that the aliens are sterilizing people."


"The aliens are sterilizing people?" he asks him very loudly.


"Yep! And arresting people for saying so!" he says back at the same volume.


"Who did they sterilize?"


"My neighbor Kitty Carver! She was gong to the dentist!"


The cops cuff them.


"I can't believe we are being arrested for WARNING EVERYBODY THAT THE ALIENS ARE STERILIZING PEOPLE!"


"Yeah, the American government had freedom of speech! And didn't sterilize Kitty Carver!"


"What kind of evil monsters would sterilize a woman for no reason?"


"Dunno! I wonder if the people who did it were arrested! For sterilizing people for no reason!"


"Like we have been arrested for saying that the aliens are sterilizing people?" They are maybe moving veeeeery slowly.




There's maybe someone standing across the way recording the cops.


The cops load them into a truck.


When the cops get to the station the truck has been forced open from the inside and the prisoners are not there.


They duly log this eventuality.


Amentans in the Boston area get a notification that evening that some people have been sterilizing humans without authorization and their visa has been revoked, but the government would like to hear about any signs of problems with public opinion as a consequence of this stupidity, as it's relevant to deciding whether charges should be filed.


There are some complaints from the public, oh yeah. Please make them go away, they can't treat sick people like this.


They'd like more specific information in order to assess the impact of the illegal sterilizations. Is attendance down anywhere? Are humans less likely to use birth control? To follow medical instructions?


Attendance is down, people are taking less birth control, some people are stopping antibiotic courses, people are refusing to allow doctors alone with dependents and they can't ask about abuse or any private questions like that.





Notice goes out to the Anitami medical community the world over that the following effects resulted from the misconduct of a few doctors in Boston who decided to sterilize humans against policy. The list of effects is horrifying! The accompanying recommendations are noted in bold type to carry the force of law:

Don't sterilize humans.

This includes humans picked up in mental health nuisance sweeps. 

Keep in mind that many humans have disabilities that result from inadequate fetal nutrition or disasters during birth or illness in early childhood or being dropped on their heads, and many may not speak the dominant language in their region well or at all, and that you are not equipped to estimate whether they are capable of raising children. Humans are entitled to the same rights as Amentans with respect to sterilization, which is to say a full process and a judge involved. 

If you have participated in, or know of, the illegal sterilization of humans occurring in your facilities, you have a twenty-four hour amnesty in which to report them with no legal or professional consequences. Misconduct not reported inside the window for amnesty will be aggressively prosecuted. If the government sees fit they will be prosecuted as aggressively as the illegal sterilization of Amentans would be.

Persons involved in, or having failed to report, other activities which are proscribed because of public relations concerns are similarly encouraged to come forward immediately before a major catastrophe results. He is not categorically extending amnesty but as always the law is structured to encourage honesty and reward cooperation.


Notice goes out to Amentans in Boston that the humans are all really upset about the mental-health-nuisance arrest and immediate sterilization of Kitty Carver, a childless woman well-regarded in her community who occasionally got disoriented and froze up, and had been unable to speak to mental health services to explain that she was fine, of sound mind, and lived just down the street because she'd just had dental surgery.

The word about this has spread among humans, and Aitim does not think it will be convincing to deny it. While of course Anitami citizens can feel or say whatever they see fit, the recommended line is "I heard about that. Poor woman. That's not legal in Anitam and it's not legal here either, they'll have to answer for it."

(People outside of Boston are not encouraged to confirm rumors; none of theirs seem so widespread, specific and convincing, and so more direct damage control remains possible.)

Boston's internet is going to be censored for a while for containment reasons.

Aitim appreciates their time, effort, loyalty, and adherence to the policies put forwards to ensure swift integration and human cooperation. 


There are some scattered reports in his amnesty period, mostly of the thing he's offering amnesty for but a couple people confess to having warned their favorite humans about forthcoming population controls.


Then they can send teams there to get information on the scope, arrest participants who didn't partake in the amnesty, figure out whether the supervisors were inattentive or involved and reprimand them accordingly, and scope out victims to see if any of them are even more sympathetic than Kitty Carver.


They send out another PSA about the importance of not telling humans about population controls. People who've told humans get reassigned to less human-facing positions if they're reassignable.


Theodore goes back to the clinic the next morning.

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