in color amentans meet hazel
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"...anyway I think Kitty and Susanna should come visit us and I can show Kitty video games," says Klimati.

"Okay," says Kitty.


After dinner, Miranda takes some Felix and tries to find her alt.

Felix has no interest at all in helping her make a Portkey.



"Ugh. Maybe there's just a - rule, that Kefin has to find her."


"That would be stupid."


"It would be really stupid!"


"Maybe there just isn't one. Maybe he would have found her already. Maybe she's grey and died trying to do some kind of sport."


"That would be even stupider."


Sigh. Hug.


Hug. "We're going to go make a fuss in Boston, want to come?"


"It's not really my fondest ambition, I think I'd choke."


"Okay. See you soon."


"Have fun."


Minor teaches Theodore a American accent. They go to Boston. They stand outside clinics.


"Don't go in! Don't trust them! The aliens sterilized my sister-in-law for no reason when they took her to their hospital!" he tells everyone who walks by. He makes sure his human audience can't hear him before pushing it with "Don't use their birth control, it'll sterilize you. Don't let them vaccinate your children, it might sterilize them. Have as many children as you can now, before they launch their scheme to drive humans extinct and overrun the planet with their own godless damned spawn!"


The oranges in the clinics ask them to leave.


"I'm standing in a public street. If you don't want people saying that you sterilize people, stop sterilizing people. My sister-in-law just went to the dentist," he calls at passersby, "and they sterilized her. They will take your children, they will sterilize you, they will sterilize your children, they are monsters. Don't go to their clinics!"


"We don't do that here."


"The dentist didn't say he did that, and yet she went to the dentist and came home sterilized. I think you're lying. You don't want us to have children, you could hardly make it more obvious. She didn't even have children - none of them - you're monsters. Don't come in here they'll sterilize you!" he calls back out at the street.


Somebody with a desperately coughing child hesitates.


"Don't do it. They might take her from you and never give her back, they'll make it so neither of you can ever have children, they are monsters. She'll be okay, I swear by God -" and the medical help that Minor, shaking his head, has presumably slipped away to get. Mostly the latter. "My sister in law just went to the dentist, she trusted them, she was wrong."


Mother and coughing child scurry away. The orange calls after them but doesn't get anywhere. She scowls at Theodore.


"Are aliens different so they don't understand how evil it is to sterilize people who trusted you and came for medical help? Because it's evil. You can't be a good doctor if you don't understand that."


"I don't even know how to perform a sterilization! I'm a pediatrician and I could have helped that child!"


"I don't believe you. No one believes you. No one can trust you because you take people away and sterilize them. If colored-hair people doctors sometimes sterilized colored-hair people would you take your children?"

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