in color amentans meet hazel
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"But you know what your government thinks should happen to all the humans, you know they think that we breed too much and should be made to stop that -"


"I am not here to debate that I am here to heal sick children!"


"You can't heal people when you think they should be prevented from existing!"


"Get away from my patients!"


"Let's go try my way," says Theodore, "and he'll start to improve within the hour and once he's all better we can come back here and warn people off the aliens together."


"I have to be back at work soon," says elder Cartwright.


"Then we should go right now."


"He's just recruiting for his shout-at-sick-people scheme," hisses the pediatrician.

Elder Cartwright is dubious.

Pediatrician holds out her hand to little Roger, who has not been closely following this conversation and takes it.


"Would you need money to take the rest of the day off work and make sure he recovers? I can give you money."


"I can't lose my job," elder Cartwright says to Theodore, following pediatrician and Roger. "I won't let him out of my sight while we're in there though."


"Okay." He goes back to warning more people. He is particularly emphatic about not taking birth control from the aliens. 



At a different clinic Aaron is less yell-y. He politely stops people walking in and explains that the aliens sterilized his neighbor when she went to the dentist and they might want to know that.


Some of them turn away. Some of them ask how you can tell if an alien is about to sterilize you. Some of them ignore him. A yellow asks him to go away.


He's not sure how you can tell, he recommends not going into their clinics though. 

"I'd be happy to help you install a sign that says 'we sometimes sterilize innocent women for no reason; by entering this building you consent to be randomly sterilized by aliens' so that everyone is adequately informed and I can leave."


"That's not true," says the yellow.


"It happened to my neighbor two days ago. I didn't believe it until I went and talked to her in person. It's true and people deserve to know. Excuse me, sir, just so you know, my neighbor went in for dental care the other day and they sterilized her, I don't think you can trust them. Kitty Carver, my neighbor's name, her brother is that boy Isaiah who makes the coats, they're good decent people and the aliens cut her up just because they could."


"That didn't happen," says the yellow. "You're disturbing people, please be on your way."


"It did. Right in that building over there is where they cut her up, but they grabbed her from the dentist's office over by the docks. I think they're disturbed that you sterilized an innocent woman, not that I'm warning them about it. Excuse me, ma'am -"


The yellow sighs and follows him around and tells everyone that he's lying.


Someone else shows up to corroborate. He works for Kitty Carver's brother. It definitely happened! Went in to get them to look at a tooth and they made it so she can never have children. The monsters. 


"They're a good family. Who are you going to trust, your own people or -" contemptuous look at yellow. "They sterilized her and said it was because she couldn't talk and was feebleminded, but she talks fine and is sharp as a whip, just, she had been to the dentist."


Someone opines that this is a blessing because she committed no sins but now doesn't ever have to be pregnant. The someone is pregnant.


"I just want everyone to know what the aliens did. If they want to take their chances, knowing, they can."


The yellow scowls at him and goes inside and calls the police.


The police will find two random Massachusetts men standing in the street warning people that the aliens sterilized their neighbor when she went to the dentist.


The police decide to arrest them for disturbing the peace.

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