in color amentans meet hazel
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"It is really weird I stumbled across Susanna."


"I know. Uh, consider whatever shenanigans you like authorized but I can't say I really have ideas offhand. I can ask Kan, he might have something clever - or I suppose you could use Felix."


" - we could totally use Felix. Bit of a self-indulgent use of Felix but I get this sense Miranda really really really wants to bring in her alt."


"My alt is going to be great."


"Then I can get you a visa to go visit Anitam and you can boop around and find her. Timothy, what are the barriers to convincing a bunch of people to drop out of the study -"


"Might expect you not to let them, might need the money you're paying them - I can offer to pay them instead, I guess - presumably they are participating since they want birth control and won't want to go off it - some of them might already figure you sterilized them -"


"Money's not a problem. Can you give them magic birth control? Can you offer to hide them? We don't keep track of humans yet, if they move we can't go find them..."


"Five hundred per site? And mostly in places where I don't speak the language... I can probably have the one in China suffer a sudden dramatic attrition rate, because Minor speaks Chinese, but you'd need to explain how they even heard about Kitty without making it look like giving your conquered peoples internet is a bad idea."


"I have been assuming Kitty's not the only person this has happened to and there'll be a local wrong to get angry about."


"Then I bet we can pull this off in one or two locations."


"Great. I also expect that making this known in Boston will make people in Boston much less likely to go to our clinics and accept our birth control - Theodore, do you want to be several dozen different people who run around yelling in earshot of colored people 'don't go to their hospitals! don't use their birth control! they'll sterilize you!' - it is important to do this in a way that conveys 'this fuckup made us way worse at our goals' without getting yourself arrested, can you be careful -"


"They won't arrest me just for yelling that?"


"Shouldn't, but, you know, maybe there's someone there filming, to be safe."


"I will totally help with operation 'make it look like this caused a huge backlash until it has actually caused a huge backlash'."


"In Boston. Specifically. And in other regions where we identify someone who was affected. If it spreads elsewhere it does end up looking like the mistake was giving them internet."


"We don't talk like Americans."


"The aliens are too dumb to notice that."


"Too dumb might not have been the most constructive phrasing but I stand by the claim that you don't speak English well enough or pay enough attention to regional differences to notice."


"They might notice that someone was using a dialect they didn't learn on because they'd be harder to understand."


"Okay, then I can do it and Theodore can film."


"I bet I can learn to sound American."


"Then you can join me once you learn."


"Isama, do you want to help them find a lawyer -"


"Going to loan them one. I think anyone who doesn't get a lot of facetime with me will be thrown off sufficiently by the hair."

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