in color amentans meet hazel
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Nobody comes out to meet him.


He sits out front and watches people go by.


The one pediatrician leaves the building for her lunch break. She glares at him as she goes by.


"All I want is for you all to admit it, you know, and stop."


Glare of death.


"I know you know. You all talk to each other. But you'd rather lie to protect your friends than admit it and try to earn our trust instead of demanding it."


Hate hate hate hate.

She enters another skyperson building across the way for lunch.


Theodore hangs out by the clinic all day. If anyone asks him about the aliens he will explain that some of them sterilized his sister-in-law but some of them have said that was horrible and should be illegal and the ones who say that are probably trustworthy, it's the ones who won't admit it who are definitely trouble.


The pediatrician hates him on her way back from lunch too.


"I'm not really sure why you're mad at me instead of at the people who sterilized someone for no reason."


"I have no idea how many children you've gotten killed or disabled for the rest of their lives but I don't think it's zero," she hisses.


"All you had to do was say 'they did that, and it's evil, and they belong in prison, and I am opposed to involuntarily sterilizing patients who come to the doctor for help'. Your inability to say that does not make the fact people don't trust you my fault."


"My job is to help sick children. You are not entitled to assign me slogans to parrot back by holding sick children hostage to fearmongering disproportionate propaganda and you are vile for even trying." She marches into her clinic.


"Part of the job of a doctor is understanding medical ethics," he calls after her. "If people cannot trust that you understand any medical ethics you are a shitty doctor."


She is too far inside to hear him.


Well he wanted to say that so he goes inside to tell her.


Then he stands out front and redirects sick kids to a different pediatrician.


"What's wrong with this one?" somebody asks.


Amentan doctors sterilized his sister-in-law when she went to the dentist! It was horrifying! Some Amentan doctors think this was unacceptable but this one doesn't, so he wouldn't want to trust her with his kids, personally. 


Many people are redirected to a different orange.

Eventually one of her colleagues comes out. "Look, can you leave us alone, please? We heard about Kitty Carver and it was awful and illegal and they're gonna get what's coming to them but that wasn't anyone at this practice."


"Would you all be willing to take a class on medical ethics? I think you would really benefit from it and then maybe people would trust you."


"We have documentation of all our credentials available to patients. We've taken them. You don't know anything about us."


"Yeah. We don't. And you're not trying to earn our trust, you're not trying to learn from us, you don't even understand that there's anything you could learn from us. You don't go to church, you don't go to funerals when your patients don't make it, you can't stand it when we touch you, they dragged her off and sterilized her and you are offended that people might not trust you."


"We're providing medical care and learning things from humans but the way to teach us isn't to picket uninvolved clinics. When you first showed up we didn't know anything about Kitty, you could have made her up, and when we did hear we were sorry to hear about it, but it wasn't us. We're not those same oranges. If people won't go to us for help because you scare them, they'll be sick."


"Did the people who did it take the same medical ethics classes as you?"


"They probably went to different schools and certainly didn't internalize what they were taught if their classes were any good. Why us, why are you targeting us?"

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