in color amentans meet hazel
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"Your religions are not actually true and not giving people access to birth control to artificially boost their numbers seems dubious. Do you think that humans might have gone extinct once they invented reliable birth control even without alien intervention?"


"It's entirely possible that people would have considered it a problem that we were declining and come up with something to fix that. There are wizards who argue for more Muggle intermarriage for that reason but it's not a winning status move and there aren't good affordances to meet Muggles to marry, so it's not that popular."


"It doesn't help that it's not completely obvious that intermarriage doesn't weaken the magical bloodline or something. It sure doesn't look like it, and at this point we have enough data that I'm willing to declare it very unlikely, but if, say, wizards are people with more than fifty of some genetic marker, and most wizards have two hundred, it just wouldn't have shown up yet. So even people who don't think Muggles are animals had some reservations about encouraging intermarriage."


"Huh. Well, I guess it'll be your problem soon enough."


"I'm sort of hoping it'll turn out there's some way we can all cooperate but it doesn't look like 'Amentans pretend humans are just an immature Amentan society'."


"I hope it turns out there's a way for that to work too. It'll be really rough if there isn't."


"We're working on putting air on Mars for you."


"I got the impression that'll take a long time but it'll be great once it works."


"I haven't looked at the math. It'd be easier to do it actually on Mars so we could just make the items there rather than ship continuously air-spewing objects through space, and I'm not sure if your structures there would have a problem with the change in air pressure."


"Haven't looked into it. I think it's also not clear whether Mars has enough gravity to hold onto an atmosphere if it's given one, but we'll see."


"...probably soluble, not immediately sure how."


"Yeah. I think all of these problems are soluble with enough time and effort and resources, but inside two years, not so much."


"Maybe we can stall long enough."


"That'd be good."


"Anyway, now you know what I sound like, so if I have an alt after all and Felix just can't be used that way but you find her for mysterious reasons you know what she should sound like. Since she'd have to be really outdoorsy to match me."


"All right! I will be on the lookout for people who sound like you to run into mysteriously."


"This is so weird. Oh and my actual first name is Ebele I just go by Miranda."


"Our names don't match at all and Anitami wouldn't even allow 'Ebele' but I'll keep that in mind too."


"I think the going theory was that your names are etymologically similar somehow."


"What's Ebele mean?"




"I'll be on the lookout. Take care."


"Will do."


They see more sights. They encounter no Mirandas. Minor idly contemplates schemes to free people who are being executed but can't come up with any that aren't obviously a terrible idea.

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